Kiddicouture Fizz

from Kiddicouture
RRP  £299.99
Kiddicouture Fizz Pushchair

by Liat Hughes Joshi |
Updated on

An attractive, well-priced 2-in-1 with some premium features, such as the reversible pushchair seat. You can add a baby car seat (£69.99) to make it a travel system too. At nearly 15kg it’s really heavy though, so not one for regular public transport users. Not perfect, but still good value for money.

This pram is sturdy and well made, making it great value for money. While the roominess in the carrycot means newborns might not seem so snug, older babies will get the advantage when they get bigger. While its appearance is attractive, it does have a strapline on the carrycot which says ‘for yummy mummies’, which some might find a bit naff.

This pram is sturdy and well made, making it great value for money

It converts from a pushchair to a pram easily but the seat unit would be better if it was higher up. It has excellent brakes and coped with city terrain well overall. The swivel wheels can sometimes be a problem however, such as when coming down from a kerb onto the road or when pushing over cobbles.

Check out the Best Pushchairs shortlist - Mother & Baby Awards 2014

Product Information

Kiddicouture Fizz Pushchair

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