Editorial policy

Editorial independence

At Mother&Baby, we uphold the principles of editorial independence to ensure that our content is unbiased, impartial, and driven solely by the interests of our audience. Our editorial team retains full control over the creation, production, and publication of content. We do not allow external influences, including advertisers, sponsors, or partners, to dictate or influence the topics, tone, or direction of our content.

Content updates

We are committed to providing our audience with accurate, timely, and relevant content to support our readers in their parenting journey. We conduct regular reviews of our content to assess its accuracy, relevance, and alignment with current best practices and guidelines.

We seek input from our network of experts to validate and update our content. Expert feedback helps us ensure that our information remains reliable and up-to-date.

When new information emerges, or changes occur in parenting trends, guidelines, or regulations, we strive to promptly update our content to reflect these developments.


We prioritise sourcing information from trusted and credible sources, including peer-reviewed research studies, academic journals, reputable institutions such as the NHS and The Lullaby Trust, and recognised experts in relevant fields.

We cross-verify information obtained from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability. By corroborating information from different reputable sources, we mitigate the risk of inaccuracies or biases.

Product reviews

We understand the importance of providing honest, impartial, and informative product reviews to support our audience in making informed purchasing decisions for their families. Our strict product review policy outlines our commitment to transparency, fairness, and integrity in evaluating and recommending products.

We maintain independence and objectivity in our product reviews, ensuring that our assessments are based solely on the merits of the products themselves, regardless of any external influences or relationships.

Inclusion and diversity

Mother&Baby is committed to representing diverse perspectives and experiences within our content. We strive to include voices from different backgrounds, cultures, and communities to ensure our content resonates with a wide range of audiences and is reflective of families from all walks of life.


We disclose any partnerships, sponsorships, or affiliations that may influence the content, products, or services featured on our platform. Transparency regarding our relationships with advertisers or sponsors ensures that our audience can make informed decisions.


We carefully select experts who are highly knowledgeable and experienced in their respective fields related to parenting, child development, health, and education. Our Mother&Baby expert panel may include but are not limited to paediatricians, obstetricians, midwives, child psychologists, nutritionists, lactation consultants, educators, and parenting coaches.

All experts affiliated with Mother&Baby must possess relevant qualifications, certifications, and credentials from reputable institutions or professional bodies. We verify their credentials to ensure they meet our standards of expertise and professionalism.

Medical review policy

We collaborate with numerous health and medical experts who review our content so that we can be sure we are providing you with the most accurate and up-to-date information on all the topics that matter to you. This includes doctors and midwives currently assisting expectant mothers, as well as leading paediatricians and parenting authorities.