Papoozle Baby Carrier review

from Amazon
Papoozle Baby Carrier

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

The Papoozle Baby Carrier is snug, secure, supportive and suitable for both babies and toddlers. It’s an effective hybrid between a wrap sling and a buckled baby carrier, combining ease of use with the friendliness of fabric support. The belly band helps to keep the baby in position and the cushioned neck and knee support for the baby are welcome features.

The instructions are clear and easy to follow, and feature a variety of positions including hip carrying. The carrier does not, however, accommodate outward facing positioning. It’s also difficult to gauge how tight/loose to make the initial knot in the fabric but this knowledge is likely acquired after a couple of trips out with the carrier – it’s intuitive.

The material is soft and strong but three layers of jersey fabric will undoubtedly be too hot for summer wrapping. Overall, the baby carrier is versatile, well-priced and recommended to mums and dads who enjoy baby wrapping, with a tad extra support.

Tested by mum Sally Dudley for the M&B Awards 2016:

Why would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum?

The Papoozle was extremely comfortable and very easy to use. My baby immediately settled in and was very comfortable. Wearing this allowed me to be hands free and deal with my other two more easily.  I especially liked the padded section, i felt it was more comfortable for my baby. For me, the spreading of the weight due to the width of the shoulder straps meant that I could carry my baby all day without back pain or discomfort. It is easy to wash and dry, and does roll up so can be transported easily. Although once I'd put it on in the morning i generally just left it on! It wasn't as hot as I thought either.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

Allows me to have my baby close to me and comfortable. I can have two hands free and my baby felt totally secure. It was so comfortable I was able to carry my baby for longer thus making life easier. When my baby was getting restless and tired, I strapped her in and she instantly calmed down, which allowed me to carry on with helping out my other children.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

I would like the separate bit to be attached somehow, or a carry sack to be provided. I felt a bit nervous that if I took it off I'd end up leaving it somewhere. It also fell on the floor a couple of times off the back of chairs and things, so again, it'd be good to have it attached or somewhere to put it.

Tested by mum Vicky Booth for the M&B Awards 2016:

Why would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum?

It was very easy to use. I hadn't used a wrap system before so the instructions were easy enough for me to get it on first time. Once i'd got my baby in he was in the right position straight away. I liked having him so close to me and easily slept in it. I found the Papoozle very comfortable for me and my baby.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

I found that using the baby carrier meant that I could balance my three children better. If I carried my baby around in the carrier I could deal with the other too more easily and without him getting distressed about being left whilst i dealt with the others.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

I would like it better if the extra bit of material was attached in some way.

Tested by mum Anneli Kitson for the M&B Awards 2016:

Why would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum?

The Papoozle is comfortable to wear and very easy to put on. The band around the waist definitely helps support and comfort for both mum and baby. With a slightly older baby, at 4 months, the Papoozle bears her weight very well and doesn't sag.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

Carrying baby around while she's being clingy and cranky makes life so much easier to get on with daily life without the worry of a heavy, crying baby to try and comfort. Once in the sling, baby is safe and secure and just happy to be held close to your heart.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

I'm not a huge fan of the jersey material used, I think a slightly softer material would be nice, although, I do love the padding at the edges.

Tested by dad Toby Dudley for the M&B Awards 2016:

Why would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow dad?

It's very easy to use and the instructions are easy to follow. It's compact and easy to transport, although I did worry about losing the separate piece at first. It's unbelievably comfortable and spreads the weight well. Baby was very comfortable and felt really secure. She slept well in it. It's easy to wash and dry, very quick. Great value for money and feels like a high quality product.

How does this product make your life easier as a dad?

Baby is so secure it really is hands-free baby carrying.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

I just feels a bit feminine, as a Dad i think it looks too girly. But i'd definitely recommend it to other Mums.

Tested by mum Karen Collins for the M&B Awards 2016:

Why would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum?

The fabric is soft and the belt provides extra support as my baby bigger! It's fairly straight forward to use although i did forget to use the extra belly band! It's a high quality item which allows me to keep baby close with minimal fuss. It also washes well.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

I used it front facing as baby spends a lot of time awake now and fusses if he isn't facing out. I was able to get on with daily tasks with both hands free. It also means I get to feel close to baby whilst giving him stimulation from the world around him.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

I think having two pieces means there is a chance that you could lose the belly band or forget it. Having instructions on how to use it without the belly band might be helpful.

Tested by mum Sarah Panter for the M&B Awards 2016:

Why would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum?

Comfy wrap but unlike others, has a supportive waist so takes a lot of the babies weight off your shoulders. The material is soft. The wrap would be easy to transport as you can fold it up. One size fits all so it will allow the wrap to grow with the baby.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

You can continue to get things done whilst wearing your baby. They feel your warmth and are happy to be with you. I can do the house work, prepare dinner, walk about the house and know my baby is safe

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

As the straps are fixed to the waist, they didn't fit as snuggly as other wraps I've used, the material on the legs was baggy. Perhaps this would get better with more practice....

Winner of the M&B baby sling test

Featured in the February issue of the magazine - and named the Best All-Rounder. Reviewed by Heidi Scrimgeour, 38, from Co AnTrim, and Alba, 13 months.

Heidi said: ‘A padded waistband transfers your baby’s weight off your shoulders and back and on to your hips – far better.

‘It offers three carrying positions. Both Alba and I loved it!

See More Baby Carriers

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Papoozle Baby Carrier

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