Izmi Baby Wrap review

from Izmi
RRP  £40.00
Baby Carrier

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

The Izmi Wrap is a baby carrier that can be used from newborn for complete carrying freedom. The two hands-free carrying positions include: front carry and hip carry. It can also be used as a breastfeeding support. The luxuriously soft two-way stretch bamboo material hugs your baby's shape in a snug and supportive hip healthy position, recognised by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. This baby wrap also has straps that can be spread over the wearers shoulders for comfort plus it offers stabilising head support. This means that your baby is secure yet unrestricted when being carried, allowing them to suck their hands and rub their face if needed.

We spoke to these real parent testers to get their review...

How did this product make your life easier?

Emily Hentley says: This is absolutely amazing it’s like giving your newborn a cuddle the sling holds them right in tight and they are comfy as well as you. When my little boy was in the wrap he was so happy and settled. I have a toddler too and being able to have him in the wrap means I can easily to playgrounds with my daughter or help her with other activities.

Sam Kennedy says: As a mum we have so much to do, especially if you have more than one child! Wearing my baby in this enables me to chop vege, hoover and dust all whilst the baby is either happy and watching everything or whilst fast asleep. I've even been able to breastfeed whilst walking the dog and no one noticed! An absolute must have for any mum. I love babywearing for the bond it gives me with my baby.

Clotilde Kingsley says: My little one loves being in a sling especially when feeling unwell or teething. It allows me to get lots done around the house with baby settled in the sling. This sling has a lovely stretch, which makes it easy to wrap without too much laxity, I didn't need to tighten or rewrap it whilst walking outside with it. With other slings I have found that with the weight of baby it can start pulling but he had a lovely position throughout our walk.

Would you recommend this product to other parents?

Carys Lewis says: I think the Izmi Wrap would really benefit Mums of newborns to have the most as it allows the closeness which newborns thrive on. I did not use it for breastfeeding as my baby was a bit too big to get the positioning right but I could see it would be big benefit to use for younger and smaller babies. There is a limited timeframe on how long the wrap can be used for however which might not make it suitable for all if budgets were tight.

Paula McGir says: I would recommend this product because it is suitable from 5lbs upwards. As a foster carer to babies to do have a lot of premature and tiny babies so this is perfect for me. Its very soft material and once I felt safe enough to take my hands away it was very supportive of baby. (more than I thought it would be). I was a little apprehensive at first as it is so long and looked very complicated to do but the instructions are very clear and easy to follow. Easy to fold and store away.

Alexandra Mitchell says: I really like the fact that you can easily switch from a manual pump to an electric pump which means that you can use it in all situations and do not have to stop pumping when the baby (or babies in my case) is sleeping. The fact that it is a double pump and that there are different settings means that I can pump not only quicker but more comfortably. I was nervous about using this pump to start with as it looks fairly complicated but it actually proved me wrong and was very easy to use. Having twins, a pump which makes pumping quicker and easier is a must!

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Jessica Molyneux spence says: I would choose the Izmi baby wrap over others because the material is really good quality and supportive. Even for older babies, it still keeps them in place and doesn't stretch which would resulting in them sinking down. This means I don't need to keep taking baby out to readjust, which I have had to do with other brands. I can put it on in the morning and it will still be fine when I've finished wearing it for the day.

Nikita Smethurst says: I would say there are both good and bad features with the baby wrap. Good is that it’s light and had a good sense of air flow through the material so that baby didn’t get too hot. Also that able to very easily keep clean by able to out in washing machine. The ease of keeping it in my babies change bag was good to as didn’t take up too much room. However, I did find that as she got more inquisitive, that she was not able to look out from this baby wrap as could only have either facing me or on shoulder or back. Having her on my should I found it didn’t feel as safe or comfortable for both me and baby. Also if on my own I found it very very difficult to get her on my back therefore I didn’t feel comfortable with this either.

Emily Hentley says: I would choose this as it’s so comfy and comes in a great choice of colours. The colours are unisex so would suit a second baby and the wrap would definitely do more than one baby it seems really well made and has lasted well for multiple uses. Over a structured carrier I would choose this due to the connection you get with baby carrying them close.

What changes would you make to this product?

Sam Kennedy says: I honestly really wouldn't change a thing about the Izmi Baby Wrap, it's perfect just the way it is. It's comfy to wear on long walks and around and baby agrees. Although the price tag is quite high, it's comparable to most on the market and is reflected in the quality of the fabric. I absolutely love it!

Clotilde Kingsley says: I feel that he is very quickly outgrowing it, as it is only made to be used upto 9 kg and he is already 8kg at 7 months old. As he has gotten bigger it has become less comfortable to settle him in it. I used my other sling up to age 1 with my oldest. I think it needs to be made longer and able to carry more weight to increase the longevity of the product.

Carys Lewis says: If it were possible to make it suitable for older or heavier babies then I think this would be a great improvement for the Izmi Wrap as it does have a limited lifespan when babies grow so fast. Without having the videos to hand putting the wrap on is a bit difficult so if this could be simplified then I think that would be a big benefit.

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