LittleLife Adventurer Baby Carrier

from LittleLife
RRP  £99.99
LittleLife Adventurer Baby Carrier

by motherandbaby |
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Find out what our mum testers thought of the LittleLife Adventurer Baby Carrier

Tested by dad Tom Hillier for the M&B Awards 2016:

Would you recommend the LittleLife Adventurer Baby Carrier to a friend/fellow parent?

This baby carrier has some great qualities. Compared to other baby carriers it is far less bulky, which is much more preferable. It was very easy to stick a child in and they enjoyed being carried around in it, so it was very comfortable for them to be in.

How does this product make your life easier as a dad?

The most noticeable thing about this baby carrier is the fact that it is so light and yet it is made of good quality hard-wearing material. So it makes life easier by being able to throw it in the car and add it to all the existing child paraphernalia without being a burden. It is also comfortable to wear so you can go for longer distances with them.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

I felt like there could have been more storage available. On some baby carriers there are a lot of places to keep things and felt that this one was limited. However, I'm obviously aware that the downside to having lots of storage is that once you put things in them, it becomes heavy, so I understand it's a balancing act.

Tested by mum Naomi White for the M&B Awards 2016:

Would you recommend the LittleLife Adventurer Baby Carrier to a friend/fellow mum?

Super lightweight, very comfortable to wear with baby. Baby was very happy and looked very comfortable, easy to store.  Designed with mums and babies in mind.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

The fastening straps can be a little tricky but nothing to complain about. An addition of a sun protector and cover from rain would make this product perfect!

Tested by mum Ralp Cator for the M&B Awards 2016:

Would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum?

I loved the fact that this baby carrier was so light. Yet it is also provided amazing support for my back which is sore. I like the colour as it blends into surroundings when out walking. It was really good value for money and would recommend it.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

The fact that it is so light makes it really easy to cart around. Especially when I'm on my own I can just shove it in the car. We took this camping with us as well and we could easily fit it in with all our other stuff.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

One thing that would have been really useful to have would have been more drinks and carrying pouches. The more pockets there are to put drinks and things in the more accessible they are, which makes life easier.

Tested by mum Claire Dilliway for the M&B Awards 2016:

Would you recommend the LittleLife Adventurer Baby Carrier to a friend/fellow mum?

This is a good version of a sturdy back carrier as it is light and well made. I find the structured nature of the baby carrier makes this uncomfortable to use and I end up feeling a bit bruised but this product was not as bad as others I have used in that regard.  The design has some nice pictures but I'm not too keen on the grey.  The pockets on the side were useful for small things but if I went out for a full day, I'd need to take an extra bag for nappies.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

I'm not sure this made my life easier, I would prefer to use a softer carrier or a pram to this style.  Someone who does a lot of walking/hiking might find this useful.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

Make it a much softer design with more space to carry things for the day.

Tested by mum Laura Bennett for the M&B Awards 2016:

Would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum?

Easy to use baby carrier great for walking. Comfortable for baby and toddler. My daughter likes the picture pillow, fab idea.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

It's lightweight and makes family walks more enjoyable.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

A few more pockets for the essentials, the option of a zip off bag would be useful.

Tested by mum Rosalie Neath for the M&B Awards 2016:

Would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow mum?

Relative low cost and trimmed down to keep the weight down. Easily cleaned and simple to get child in and out.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

Child's in a good position while walking and likes to be in the baby carrier, but hard for the mum to walk for long time as weight seems to be on the straps more than other models

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

Wider straps for better weight distribution for the baby carrier.

Tested by dad Nick Morgan for the M&B Awards 2016:

Would you recommend the LittleLife Adventurer Baby Carrier to a friend/fellow parent?

Good value, not too bulky and easy to use - but would need to be strong.

How does this product make your life easier as a dad?

Good to have option for carrying younger or older children on those longer walks which they wouldn't be up to walking themselves.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

Better weight distribution - sore shoulders with older child!

Tested by dad Simon White for the M&B Awards 2016:

Would you recommend this product to a friend/fellow parent?

This is a very light product but sturdy enough to feel that your child is well protected, safe and comfortable. Very easy to adjust, use and store.

How does this product make your life easier as a dad?

I have used slings and semi structured carriers on the front of me before but never a back carrier. Our child enjoys being outdoors and for walks and sometimes it’s easier than a buggy particular walking the dog through fields and over stiles.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

Possibly one criticism is that the storage compartments on the side of the carrier are a little hard for the adult to place/retrieve items. A zipped pocket along the belt line would be a good addition.

Tested by mum Samantha Hart for the M&B Awards 2016:

Would you recommend the LittleLife Adventurer Baby Carrier to a friend/fellow mum?

The product has evolved from earlier (heavier) versions, it’s super lightweight and now even has a stand component which is integrated and doesn't add a lot to the overall weight.  Easy to throw into the car and the stand makes it easy to put baby in even single handed. I have owned a previous model and this one is hands down better, the 'cushion' is more moveable, no rough fabric for baby to rub themselves on and the adjustability for different body shapes is great.

How does this product make your life easier as a mum?

Great product for big walks allowing baby to get a good view. This product is a great addition to my range of carriers.

If you could change one thing about this product what would it be?

Only downside is the straps have been slightly over engineered and the triple clip can be difficult to fasten as the baby leans onto it when they are being put into the carrier and you have to push them back to find the clasp as it joins in the centre. I feel 2 single straps would be an easier option.

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