Caboo DX+ review

from Caboo
RRP  £99.99
Caboo DX+

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

We say: This carrier can be used in multiple positions on your front as well as on your back. It has wide, well-padded straps to ensure your baby’s weight is evenly distributed for extra comfort, and merino panels to help regulate your baby’s temperature – useful for the summer months. It’s also designed to enable breastfeeding without first having to remove your baby from the carrier.

Tested by Claire Mellor and Rosa, 5 weeks:

My favourite – it’s really straightforward to put on, easy to get my baby in and out of, and ideal for breastfeeding. The fabric is so soft, with no clunky fasteners, yet she seems really secure and falls asleep every time she’s in this! It’s comfortable both at home and on long walks. The fabric panel that helps regulate the baby’s temperature works – she stayed cool on a very hot day.

Tested by Rebecca Jones and Freddie, 6 months:

I felt I needed a PhD to work out how to use this! I think it’s the least attractive carrier we tried. You can’t use it for back-carrying at Freddie’s age, which is a disadvantage for me. I couldn't breastfeed comfortably and it’s not very comfortable on my shoulders for prolonged periods. One advantage is the sizing, which enables my husband and parents to use it with minimal adjustments.

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Tested by Laura Byers and Marley, 12 months:

Mastering this takes time but it’s worth it. It’s the best of both worlds – a sling-style design but with the structure of a carrier. I’ve always thought slings look too complex but I really like this. The carrying positions seem endless. The fabric is very strong – I have real confidence in it. This baby carrier enabled closeness with Marley and I think it would be lovely for a newborn.

Product Information

Suitable for babies weighing 2.3-14.5kg.

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