Splash About Happy Nappy Wetsuit review

from Splash About
RRP  £25.00

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

What they say:

“Splash About develops some of the most advanced safety swimwear for babies on the market today. Its Happy Nappy Wetsuit is designed for safety; it maintains a baby's core body temperature in water and is unique due to its integrated leak-proof Happy Nappy.

“130,000 UK babies swim weekly in a Happy Nappy. Why? It's the only brand recommended by 95%+ UK swim-schools because its so effective at preventing harmful faecal leaks in water and it's approved by British Standards guidelines for baby-swimming. It's safe for newborn/sensitive skin; designed to keep barrier/eczema creams in place rather than absorbing, ensuring swimming is inclusive.”

Tested by mum Laura McClure for the M&B Awards 2017:

Would you recommend this to other mums?

I will be telling all my friends not to waste their money buying swimwear for their children. The Happy Nappy wetsuit is all they will need. It is a fantastic, well designed product taking the place of swimwear and disposable swim nappies. The leak-proof neoprene swim nappy does its job perfectly. It is a bonus that it also keeps baby warmer in the water and helps to maintain their core temperature, leading to a better experience for all.

How did this product make your life easier?

Even in warm pools, my babies were cold and never wanted to stay in the water long. This product maintains my child's core body temperature and now she will happily stay in the pool as long as her big brothers and sisters want to. Using the nappy wrap and liner I do not even have to purchase disposable swim nappies which were prone to leaking. I am no longer anxious about taking my baby swimming and her having 'accidents' in the pool water. Tried and tested and no leaks!

Would you choose this product to win?

When I used disposable swim nappies and normal swimwear they were prone to leak and one event caused us and everyone else to be evacuated from the pool! This was extremely embarrassing and I know it took a long time to clean the pool. This product gives me the confidence to take my baby into the water along with my older children who are toilet trained.

What changes would you make to this product?

The Splash About Happy Nappy Wetsuit really is top of the range - that's why it is insisted upon by so many leisure centres for baby swimming lessons. It does exactly what it is suppose to - keeps baby comfortable and the pool clean. Some people may find it hard to put it on to their child but if you follow the instructions, it is easy and you can put it on and remove from your baby without thinking in no time.

Tested by mum Joanne Arnold for the M&B Awards 2017:

Would you recommend this to other mums?

I love Splash About products and the Happy Nappy Wetsuit is no different. Our little boy loves swimming but he always has lessons in a hydrotherapy pool. Anytime we have been to a normal temperature pool we have had to limit our time in case he got too cold. This is now not an issue with the wetsuit. It is fantastic. The fact that it has the Happy Nappy built in is great, saves on bulk and our swim school are happy that he is fully protected from leaks.

How did this product make your life easier?

It was so easy to put this on and take it off. I was afraid that once it got wet that it would stick to him and I'd have to wrestle to get it off.....not the case at all, it was really easy. I love that we now can go swimming in any pool and not worry about the water temperature but also we can use this at the beach.

Would you choose this product to win?

I love that the Splash About Happy Nappy Wetsuit has a high UV protection rating. We had been thinking of getting something similar to wear to the beach so he can toddle around without having to worry too much but this fits the bill great. He can toddle around, play in the sand and go in the water while keeping him toasty. The zip on the back is a godsend as it comes off so easily.

What changes would you make to the Splash About Happy Nappy Wetsuit?

I am so pleased with this product but it is a little awkward when putting it on dry. It feels a bit bulky and my son wasn't too happy for the first few times as he toddled around before swim lessons. Once in the water this isn't an issue as it seemed much more comfortable and it didn't bother him. So we started putting it on a little damp which was much better and when you take it off the reassurance of the heat radiating is great so you know he's been kept warm.

Tested by mum Keela Walsh for the M&B Awards 2017:

Would you recommend the Splash About Happy Nappy Wetsuit to other mums?

Loved loved loved this! When it arrived I thought it looked rather big for my 15 month old daughter but it fitted beautifully and she appeared rather comfortable and fashionable in it! I loved the built-in nappy feature as this makes life easier as some of the swimming pull-ups are rather tight and my daughter struggles when getting into them but this wasn't a problem with the Nappy Wetsuit.

How did this product make your life easier?

The Splash About Happy Nappy Wetsuit made my life easier as I always had a fight on my hands when getting my 15 month old daughter ready for swimming as she would struggle whilst I got her into her swimming pull-ups, then her swimming costume but this Happy Nappy Wetsuit with built in nappy made it much more easier to get her ready.

Would you choose this product to win?

I would choose this product above all others as it was very easy to use and whilst more expensive than a standard swimsuit with pull ups to include, it is well worth the money as my daughter was very comfortable in it and she also received plenty of compliments once in the pool - "how adorable, how cute is that swimsuit".

What changes would you make to this product?

I wouldn't change anything about the Splash About Happy Nappy Wetsuit, we loved the look, the style, the ease of use. My daughter felt very comfortable in the swimsuit and it also saved me time in terms of getting her in and out of a swimsuit/pull-ups which is valuable when you have a screaming baby who didn't want to get out of the pool! Loved this product and would recommend to anyone.

Tested by mum Sophie Scarth for the M&B Awards 2017:

Would you recommend this to other mums?

I would recommend this to my mum friends. It works very well, it keeps everything in, it's very comfortable and the design is fantastic - my son loved it.

How did this product make your life easier?

The Splash About Happy Nappy Wetsuit makes my life easier, because I don’t have to buy loads of swimming nappies that go all saggy when in the water. It is more comfortable for my son whilst in the water, and it's easy to put on and to take off.

What changes would you make to this product?

I do think the nappy should be a little thicker to help absorb anything. But overall it is perfect and the designs are perfect for little ones.

Tested by mum Kelly Dunlop Chatburn for the M&B Awards 2017:

Would you recommend this to other mums?

The design and quality of the Splash About Happy Nappy Wetsuit is gorgeous. The things we love about this product are the extra layer the wetsuit provides to your child’s swimwear keeping them warmer, it's SPF50+ and eco friendly due to the reusable swim nappy feature. There's room under the suit for a disposable swim nappy but we wore the nappy wrap and disposable liners. After a few attempts I am now confident in using the wrap and liners but we didn't have any accidents so not sure how the product will fair in those conditions.

How did this product make your life easier?

When taking my daughter swimming in this wetsuit it made me feel like a good mum and we were able to swim for longer before she started shivering. I love the extra warmth provided by the neoprene wetsuit and the fact that the suit is SPF50+ - which was ideal for outdoor swimming on our recent holiday to Weymouth my daughter wore this most days. I love this product.

Would you choose this product to win?

I would choose the Splash About Happy Nappy Wetsuit above others as we were very proud to be seen out and about sporting it. We chose the dragonfly design and it’s gorgeous. The wetsuit is a more environmentally friendly option to disposable swim nappies without compromising on performance and convenience and with the added bonus of providing extra warmth and SPF50+.

What changes would you make to this product?

If I could change one thing about this product I would like it to fold easier. My main reservations were with the reusable nappy wrap and disposable liners. It took me a couple of attempts to be ok with putting the liners in as I was over-thinking it and the Velcro edges of the wrap have turned out a lot after 2 weeks use. I think the quality of the wrap and liners could be improved.

Product Information

From birth to 24 months.

There is also a toddler+ sizing which is suitable for 16kg+

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