Silver Cross Wave review

from Silver Cross
RRP  £1095.00

by Samantha Ball |
Updated on

A pram or pushchair is one of the most essential items you need when you have a baby, and the Silver Cross Wave is perfect, especially if you are considering growing your family.

Designed to be a single or a double stroller for your little ones, the Silver Cross Wave's unique and flexible design makes it a great choice to have as your family pram.

I tested the Wave with the help of my 18-month-old daughter, looking at all the unique features and the practicality of the pram itself.


  • Flexible and unique design
  • 7 strolling modes
  • 5 adjustable handle heights


  • It's a large pram
  • Quite heavy
Dimensions:111 x 60 x 95-109cm
Folded dimensions:95 x 60 x 39.5cm
Pushchair seat weight:3.5kg
Carrycot weight:4.2kg
  • Robust chassis
  • First bed carrycot
  • Seat unit
  • Two hoods
  • Tandem adaptors
  • Reversible seat liner
  • Adjustable handles
  • Two bumper bars

Key features

7 Strolling modes

I love the fact that you are not limited to how the seats fit onto the chassis. With the options to world and parent face, or have your little ones facing each other is a brilliant design and you can find a strolling method that really suits you (and you babies!)

Tandem adaptors

The tandem adaptors easily clip onto the chassis frame and allows you to add the carrycot or stroller seat with ease, in order to make it a double pram.

Adjustable handle heights

With a touch of a button, (or should I say squeeze of a button), you can extend the handles of the pram with ease. This is incredibly useful when using the pram as a tandem, as it allows you to have more room to comfortably hold the handle when the carrycot is attached as well as the stroller seat.

Testing the Silver Cross Wave


As a standard pram, the Silver Cross Wave did everything I expected from a pram and the beautiful design and colouring of the materials made it feel really luxurious.

I didn't struggle with using any of its features, including attaching the wheels onto the chassis, which in the past I have struggled with trying to get the clips to attach the wheels to the frame. The whole pram design literally clips together with ease and glides so easily over surfaces.

It had ample storage underneath the pram too, which when using as a double pram I thought was great as I was reassured that there was enough room to store items for two children, and still have room if I needed to pop anything else underneath the pram.


I found that the Silver Cross Wave ticked all the right boxes when it came to usability. It was super simple to get everything set up, including attaching the tandem adaptors, which I thought I would struggle with.

All the attachments fit together beautifully and they are also easy to detach too. I particularly loved the harness. It was really easy to unclip and fasten together and most of the time I feel as though harnesses are only given thought for safety purposes, however, I felt as though this one had been designed with a lot more thought.

The clever five-point harness system not only kept my daughter secured in the pram, but it looks aesthetically pleasing and comfortable too. The harness sleeves were really soft and felt larger compared to other harness sleeves. I found that they weren't irritating my daughter either, or rubbing against her so that when she moved they wouldn't dig into her.

While it did push along different terrain brilliantly and for a double pram it didn't feel too large when walking, I did find it heavier to lift onto pavements and over steps. Despite this though, it was easy enough to use and I found that the break design was also clever, as to unlock it you only had to tap a button as opposed to trying to re-lift the break with your foot.


The chassis of the Silver Cross Wave is a clever design, as you can adjust the seat attachments to bring your baby's seat closer to you or in a standard single position. With the attachments being closer, you can comfortably attach the tandem adaptors lower down on the frame, which allows you to then use it as a double pram.

The frame also feels incredibly supportive and is sturdy, which I think is important with a pram as it reassures you that your baby is safe when you're walking, and not as though the pram can't support the attachments.

One problem I did find with the pram though was that it was really bulky. Once the chassis was collapsed, I could only fit that and the stroller seat into the boot of my car. The carrycot attachment would have to sit on the backseat, however, with two children in the back of the car, it would really limit space.

However I did love how much storage space was available under the pram itself, and I did feel more encouraged to walk places I'd normally drive to, knowing that I could fit all my essentials underneath and still have room for a bit of shopping.

Final verdict

Overall, I thought the Silver Cross Wave was beautifully designed and the fabric was soft and comfortable for my daughter to sit in. I thought it was incredibly practical for use as a double pram too.

The harness was also a big win for me, as I found it easy to fasten together and unclip, and I thought it was a unique design.

However, I did find the Wave to be heavy and bulky. As a double pram, you would expect for it to take more room up in the boot of a car and a little heavy to manoeuvre onto pavements when crossing a road. This could be a struggle for some as unless you have a big family car, it could provide limitations on what you can do with the pram in the car.

I also feel like it would be difficult to use on public transport. Saying this, I think with a double pram you would expect it to be a lot heavier.

But, overall the Silver Cross Wave is a great pram with all its unique and flexible features and its look too. You can positions the seats in a variety of ways and the adjustable handle does provide an element of ease and comfort, as you can adjust it to suit your height or in keeping with the stroller seat's positioning.

I love that the material is made from sustainable fabrics that are crafted from recycled plastic bottles, which I personally think is a brilliant design feature to have.

Silver Cross Wave FAQS

Should I buy a double pram first?

Even if you are planning on having a second child, it's not necessary to buy a double pram just in case, as they can be quite costly compared to single strollers. A lot of people wait until they are expecting their second baby before they purchase a double pram, or will only purchase one if they have twins. It's down to personal preference.

What types of prams are there?

There are a variety of different prams, but finding the right one for you can be tricky. A lot of people prefer to invest in travel systems for their babies, as they come with all the products you need for getting out of the house, including the pram itself and a compatible car seat attachment.

The best thing to do is look at what you need and also look into what pram is suitable to use for a newborn, as there are a lot of prams or pushchairs that are only suited to when your baby can sit up unaided.

Samantha Ball is a Product & Lifestyle Writer for Mother&Baby and freelanced for the website for two years before joining the team full time. She's a mum of two and loves browsing for the best products and cute outfits.

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