Lansinoh Silicone Breast Pump review

Lansinoh Silicone Breast Pump

by Emily Gilbert |
Updated on

Breast pumps come in all shapes and sizes nowadays but if you're looking for something simple, the Lansinoh Silicone Breast Pump could be the one for you. Bronze winner of the best breast pump category in our 2023 Mother&Baby Awards, this light, portable and simple-to-use silicone manual breast pump can be popped into your handbag or changing bag when away from home. Suitable for all breast sizes, due to its wide neck and simple suction technique when applying the breast, the hands-free system creates a natural suction; offering a simple way to collect your breastmilk.

Lansinoh Silicone Breast Pump overview

Lansinoh Silicone Breast Pump
Price: $29.79


  • Easy to use
  • Lightweight and portable
  • Budget-friendly
  • Comes with neck strap


  • Strong suction may be too much for some parents

Testing the Lansinoh Silicone Breast Pump

All of our testers found the Lansinoh Silicone Breast Pump straightforward to use, with some not even needing the instructions.

The pump was useful for mums in a variety of different feeding situations: "I tended to use it in the mornings when my breasts were engorged, while baby fed on one breast I would use the Lansinoh pump to collect leaking milk or lessen the engorgement from the other breast," said one tester. "As the collector fills and my breast reduced in size, I was able to fine-tune the suction by gently releasing and reattaching. By feeding my baby and using the collector at the same time, it saved me time in the mornings and provided me with some fresh milk to try with the bottle later on or freeze."

The suction of the Lansinoh Silicone Breast Pump was a big hit. "During my breastfeeding experience, I’ve always needed to have a silicone pump on the breast I’m not feeding on due to oversupply, but I’ve really struggled to find one that will suction on and stay put - not losing suction really quickly. This one I found stayed on and was extremely comfortable to use too and didn’t cause any discomfort," said mum Rai.

Although the Lansinoh Silicone Breast Pump was a similar price to others on the market, testers commented that it felt more comfortable and the additions such as the suction bottom and lanyard made it different from the others and more user-friendly.

Final thoughts

One tester found that as you got close to the milk limit, unless the pump was held at an angle pointing perfectly downward, the milk would be at risk of spilling as you took the pump off. Another would have liked to have a teat which you can attach directly onto the pump without needing to transfer to a different container.

The strong suction of this product impressed mums, making for good milk collection and helping to soften engorged breasts although some worried the suction was too strong at times.

Testers highly rated the added security of the neck strap, which minimised spillage and one tester found that this product was a better fit, nicer design and easier to use than more expensive models which they have also tried.

"It’s a really well-built pump and value for money," said mum Aimee. "I would highly recommend this to friends and in fact, I have already recommended this to one of my friends who is currently pregnant and is wanting to breastfeed."

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