VTech Baby Toot-Toot Drivers Parking Tower review

from VTech
RRP  £32.99

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

The VTech Baby Toot-Toot Drivers Parking Tower is a fun, interactive toy that is brilliant entertainment for tots. It includes a petrol pump and car wash as well as toot-toot caravan music.

The tower design is interchangeable and easy to construct.  It’s brightly coloured and doesn’t take up much floor space. It’s also sturdy; entirely able to withstand a creative onslaught of Duplo blocks, ping pong balls and other vehicles. Some of the VTech cars have a tendency to jam down the slide and Tower pieces sometimes disconnect but this does not stop little ones from having a blast with this toy.

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It only comes with one vehicle – a play date disaster; luckily additional cars and vans can be purchased to accessorise the Tower. Overall, good value for money!

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