Kit 4 Kids Ellergenic Pocket Spring Cotbed Mattress

from Kit for Kids by Carla
RRP  £229.99
Kit 4 Kids Ellergenic Pocket Spring Cotbed Mattress

by Stephanie Spencer |
Published on

2015 - Shortlisted for 'Innovation of the Year' Award!

Kit for Kids Baby Ellergenic Pocket Spring Mattress exudes quality. It feels lovely and soft but firm at the same time. The cover is easily removed for washing and the mattress is both breathable and water repellent. But its major selling point (other than the comfort factor) is that it offers protection from allergens and microbes, which makes the high price totally worth it!


Reviewed by Emma Shilton, 32, and Olly, 21 months, from West Midlands.

Named Best for Allergies in the March 2015 issue of M&B Magazine.

Emma says: “This is the first cot-bed mattress to be approved by Allergy UK.

“It features the latest anti-bacterial materials to prevent the build-up of germs, microbes and bed mites.

“It is so soft. Plus it has a reversible waterproof layer to keep it dry. This also helps reduce sweating and helps your baby maintain a constant temperature.

Product Information

Kit 4 Kids Ellergenic Pocket Spring Cotbed Mattress

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