Audiobooks every pregnant woman should listen to

Audiobooks every pregnant woman should listen to

by Emily Gilbert |
Updated on

Nine months can feel like a loooong time. So while you play the waiting game for baby, why not stock up on a few pregnancy audiobooks to pass the time (and swot up!)

Unlike actual pregnancy books, you can multitask while you listen, whether it’s in the car, kitchen or on holiday.

From brilliant advice to soothing self-help, here’s our selection of the best listening during pregnancy.

The Positive Birth Book: A New Approach to Pregnancy, Birth and the Early Weeks by Milli Hill

We're big fans of Milli Hill and this refreshing and witty guide is packed with vital information on everything from building the ultimate birth plan to your choices and rights in the birth room. A must for all expectant parents.

Parenting the Sh*t out of Life by Anna Whitehouse and Matt Farquharson

Sit back and listen to one couple's take on the horrors and humour of modern parenting told from his side and hers: honest, sad and laugh-out-loud funny. From deciding to try for a baby to pregnancy and labour to bringing baby home and trying to reconcile the old life with the new.

The Modern Midwife's Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond by Marie Louise

This fab audiobook from senior midwife Marie will help you to feel confident, informed and inspired about your journey ahead. She reveals all the key things that will make the biggest, most positive difference to you and your baby as you navigate these life-changing months.

It Worked For Me: Tips from Truly Happy Baby by Holly Willoughby

Well, she’s a mum of three so must know a thing or two! This engaging book reads just like a cosy chat with Holly and it addresses all the basic stuff you’ll need from day one: feeding, sleeping, bathing, toys, clothes, and of course, looking after yourself at the same time. Holly calls it "The advice I wish I’d been given before I became a mum."

A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled by Ruby Wax

How do you deal with stress when wine o’clock is off the agenda? The comedian-turned-mental-health-expert narrates her own textbook for beating stress and anxiety. Packed full of easy mindfulness tricks and daily exercises, Ruby’s guide will keep you calm amidst the chaos.

Hypnobirthing Home Study Course Manual by Kathryn Clark

A pain-free birth, you say? While you may scoff, there’s a lot of evidence that hypnotherapy can reduce pain and stress in labour. This book’s a complete birth education course, with the emphasis firmly on making the whole experience a positive one.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

You might know Gilbert as the author of Eat, Pray, Love, which was made into a fab film with Julia Roberts. This is another inspiring, charming book, this time all about facing our fears and embracing life’s challenges. Perfect for pregnancy, then…

Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five by John Medina

Dr Medina’s book, Brain Rules, was a global bestseller and now he’s turned his expert eye on parenting. All the key questions you want answers to are here - what's the single most important thing you can do during pregnancy? What’s the best way to use praise and discipline? How can I handle tantrums and tears? It’s a parenting bible.

Mind Over Mother: Every mum's guide to worry and anxiety in the first years by Anna Mathur

We love Anna Mathur and we know you will too. In Mind Over Mother, psychotherapist and mum of three Anna explains how you can transform your motherhood experience by addressing your thinking and make your mind a kinder, calmer, happier place to be.

The Headspace Guide to... A Mindful Pregnancy by Andy Puddicombe

This book aims to help you and your partner get the most from pregnancy and the first weeks of parenthood with as little anxiety as possible. It ranges from creating the right conditions for conception to managing pain in labour, and – bonus! - there’s no psychobabble.

The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read by Philippa Perry

While not directly related to pregnancy, therapist Philippa Perry offers lots of very helpful wisdom such as understanding how your upbringing has shaped you, how to handle your child's feelings or supporting your partner.

The Sleep Book by Dr Guy Meadows

Getting a good night’s rest is hard when you’re pregnant. You can’t get comfortable, your mind’s racing… and next day you’re fit for nothing. This book has some genius tips and tricks for proper sleep from the expert founder of The Sleep School.

The Unmumsy Mum by Sarah Turner

Saviour of harassed mums everywhere, The Unmumsy Mum writes and blogs about the reality of motherhood in all its messy, imperfect, hilarious glory. She shares the lessons she’s learned along the way, from birth to potty training. You’ll laugh, nod and feel better that it’s not just you…

The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children by Dr Shefali Tsabary

Don’t be put off by the rather wordy title: this book is all about confident parenting where mum and baby learn the best way through this experience together, as a team. The emphasis is on raising well-adjusted, happy kids and helping parents to avoid repeating any mistakes from their own upbringing.

Looking for more to listen to? Check out these 22 parenting podcasts to download for the 4am feed.

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