Have you been wondering about that vertical dark line that appears on your belly during pregnancy? If you have recently noticed it you might be asking, what is it, how did it get there, and when will it go away? As far as pregnancy symptoms go, this dark line (a.k.a. the Linea Nigra (Latin for “dark line”) or “pregnancy line”) is one of the less bothersome ones compared to pregnancy sickness, heartburn, or swollen and achy feet – you can’t feel it, and it’s not something to be worried about. Still, while it isn't painful or irritating, you probably still want to know how long it will stay for, or if it's permanent.
We have everything you need to know about the Linea Nigra, including when it might start to appear, why it appears and how long it might stay for.

What is that dark line on my pregnant belly?
Although rare, the Linea Nigra can appear on both men and women at various points in life, not just pregnancy. During pregnancy, however, the placenta starts to make an array of hormones and one such hormone, the melanocyte-stimulating hormone called Melanin, starts to make certain body parts visibly darker such as the nipples, melasma - a.k.a. the pregnancy face mask and the Linea Nigra.
This dark line usually starts from the belly button and goes all the way down to the groin. However, some women can get it spanning from the groin all the way up to the breastbone. According to some old wives tales, if your linea nigra finishes at your belly button, it's a sign you're having a girl. The line is normally less than 1cm wide and can be various shades of brown.
Lesley Gilchrist, registered midwife and co-founder of My Expert Midwife says: “Linea Nigra is the dark line that can develop down the centre of your bump as your pregnancy progresses. This line usually stretches from the top of the pubic hair to the belly button, although it sometimes extends above the belly button."
She continues, explaining that, “it is caused by the increased oestrogen levels experienced in pregnancy, which boost the body’s production of melanin, a natural substance that gives your skin pigment. Exposing your bump to sunlight can make this line become darker in colour. Some women also experience more hair growth on their bump, too."
However, Lesley reassures that “it is a common occurrence in pregnancy and won’t cause any harm to you or your baby. The line usually fades or disappears completely a few months after childbirth.”
Can you get Linea Nigra without pregnancy?
As mentioned, although it's rare, you can get Linea Nigra without being pregnant and even men can get it. In some cases it can even develop in children too.
There are various different causes for it when you're not pregnant. This includes medications such as birth control that can affect hormones, health conditions and exposure to sun. As it's often triggered by a hormonal change, it could be worth speaking to your GP, to discuss what the underlying cause might be.
When does the Linea Nigra appear?
The Linea Nigra most often appears around the fifth month of pregnancy, although it can be earlier or later. The NHS suggests it can appear around week 18 of pregnancy. However, surprisingly, this line is actually present on all humans and is called the Linea Alba (Latin for “white line”). It is described as “the tendinous median line on the anterior abdominal wall between the two rectus muscles.” Even though the line is always there, unless you’re pregnant and have all those melanin-forming hormones surging through you, the line is so faint that you can’t tell it’s there unless you’re actively looking for it, but when pregnant the white line darkens and you can see the Linea Nigra.

Does the Linea Nigra serve a purpose?
Technically, no, but there are a few old wives’ tales on the matter. One says that, because our babies can only really tell light and dark when they're born, mother nature makes certain parts of us darker, such as nipples and the Linea Nigra, so that our baby can find their way around our body easier.
While that is very cute, Lesley says “there is no evidence to support this, although it makes sense that the changes in our bodies serve to benefit our newborn babies in their first days and weeks of life as their sight and senses are developing.”
Is the Linea Nigra permanent?
The Linea Nigra is not permanent, and is something that will fade totally on its own, even if you don’t take any steps to correct it sooner. Although you might not like the look of it, and wonder when the Linea Nigra will disappear, this dark line is not something to worry about as it poses no danger to you or your unborn child and within a few months of giving birth you can forget all about it.
Is the Linea Nigra a stretch mark?
No, it cannot be classed as a stretch mark. A stretch mark is literally the distention of the skin caused by over stretching. Stretch marks affect the dermis (middle) layer of the skin and leave an embossed or indented visible scar on the surface. The Linea Nigra only affects the epidermis – the top layer of your skin, and so is comparable to a tan rather than a stretch mark, and can fade on its own without a trace, whereas a stretch mark is permanent.
Can the Linea Nigra predict gender?
There is a fable that the location of the line on your belly can serve as a gender predictor. Apparently, if the line is just below your belly button, you're expecting a girl, but if it goes anywhere above your belly button, then you’re having a boy.
As useful as that might be, just like the Chinese gender predictor tool, Lesley says, “this old wives’ tale has no basis in truth and, like many gender predictor theories, is a guessing game with a 50/50 chance of being correct.” So, you won't be able to guess the sex before your gender reveal party after all.
How long does it take the Linea Nigra to fade?
This line might hang about for quite a few months after you have your baby but is commonly faded within the first few months postpartum, and completely gone within a year.
Is it guaranteed that I will get a Linea Nigra if I fall pregnant?
While it's very common during pregnancy, there is still a small percentage of women that won’t get it, so you might fall into that category. However, the more melanin you have in your body, the likelier it is that you will get a Linea Nigra during your pregnancy.

Is there any way to prevent a Linea Nigra?
There is nothing you can do to prevent the line, and there is no way of knowing if you will get one or not. However, you could try a few things to make it less visible but there are no guarantees.
•Wear suncream and keep your bump out of the sun because exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays intensifies pigment changes.
•Make sure you take your folic acid and eat your greens, especially leafy greens, as well as whole grains and fruits, because a deficiency in folic acid may cause some hyperpigmentation.
•Avoid waxing this area of your stomach as this can cause inflammation which will in turn make the area look more pigmented
•Try to use natural, hypoallergenic skin care products that will soothe your skin without irritating it.
How can I make my Linea Nigra fade faster?
It might seem like it’s taking a while, but the line will definitely fade before you know it, especially with a newborn to keep you busy. If you are still concerned and want to try to eliminate the line sooner, once your baby is born, you can see a dermatologist and see what skin-lightening treatments are available. At home, you could try rubbing lemon juice on the line and gently scrubbing the area with a scrub or loofah while you’re in the shower and Lesley advises, “if you are concerned about it for any reason, seek advice from your midwife or doctor. It is best to avoid using bleaching products or creams on the Linea Nigra during pregnancy or breastfeeding as this could be harmful to your baby. You may want to ensure you wear sunscreen if your belly is exposed to the sun, as sun exposure can make the line darker.”
Will I have a Linea Nigra in every pregnancy?
If you have a Linea Nigra in your first pregnancy, then it is highly likely that it will reappear on subsequent pregnancies too. However, not always. You may notice that it is different with each pregnancies, either darker or lighter, or you might find it appears sooner or later too.
Meet the expert
Lesley GilchristBSc (Hons) Midwifery Studies, MSc Clinical Research Methods

Registered Midwife and co-founder of My Expert Midwife, Lesley, began her career as a staff nurse in intensive care before starting her midwifery training in 2001 in Newcastle. Throughout her career, Lesley has worked in large teaching hospitals both on delivery suite and within the community.
A journalist since 2015, Emily Gilbert is the Features & Reviews Editor for Mother&Baby and has written for the website and previously the magazine for seven years. Emily writes about everything from the top baby products to pregnancy, fertility and maternal mental health. Specialising in product reviews, Emily is the first to know about all the exciting new releases in the parenting industry.