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The Fourth Trimester: The 12 week extraordinary rollercoaster from birth into parenthood. We talk a lot about pregnancy and the changes that a mother will experience emotionally and physically before birth, but what about the journey after birth?
This is very often a challenge that mothers simply can’t have imagined. For many it’s a white knuckle ride where we hold on, question everything and try to do our very best, while tackling unpredictable hormones, sleep deprivation and a fierce drive to protect the little person we have brought into the world.
Graco, the baby gear experts, are on a mission to improve our understanding of the physical and emotional rollercoaster of the Fourth Trimester. With this quiz they would love to hear from you, to understand the journey you made, your highs and your lows.

With these insights they will develop a forum for new mums embarking on the journey and will work with experts in a variety of fields to provide the right kind of support to help prepare new mums for what’s ahead and support those looking for help.