Trying to choose a name for your son can be tricky, but if you've managed to narrow it down to your favourite two, why not choose both?
Doubled-barreled names are becoming incredibly popular and a great way to make sure your little one has a unique name.
If you still can't decide between two names that you love, we've come up with a list of super cool double-barrelled names for boys and both their meanings!
double-barrelled boy names

1) Tommy-Joe
Tommy means 'twin' and is a shortened version of the name Thomas. The name is also of Greek origin.
Shortened from Joseph, Joe is a lovely name of Hebrew origin meaning 'Jehovah increases.'

2) Joshua-Lee
Joshua is from Hebrew origin with the meaning 'the Lord is my salvation.' While it's a popular name on its own, we think it sounds lovely paired with Lee.
Lee is of English origin and has a meaning of 'pasture; meadow.'

3) Alfie-Grey
Alfie is a popular baby boys name meaning 'wise counselor.' It's of a modern version of the name Alfred, and is of English origin.
This colour name can be spelt as Grey or Gray. It literally means the colour grey and is of English origin.

4) Marley-Jay
Meaning 'pleasent seaside meadow' Marley is a sweet boys name of English origin.
From Latin origin, Jay has the meaning of 'jaybird' and is also inspired by the Blue Jay bird.

5) Tyler-James
Tyler is an English occupational name meaning 'maker of tiles.' It's an incredibly popular boys name.
James is from Hebrew but has an English origing of 'supplanter.' It's a classic and traditional name for a boy.

6) Ralphie-Joe
Meaning 'wolf-counsel,' Ralphie is a modern version of the name Ralph which is of German origin. Ralphie is slowly becoming a popular name for boys too.
Joe is often used as a nickname for the name Joseph, and has an English origin meaning 'Jehovah increases.'

7) John-Michael
Meaning 'God is gracious,' John is a traditional name of Hebrew origin. The name John is a popular family name too.
Michael is also a traditional name of Hebrew origin. The name also means 'who is like God?' These names are perfect to be paired together!

8) Carter-Davis
Carter is an English occupational name meaning 'transporter of goods by cart.'
Meaning 'beloved,' the name Davis is a cute boys name that is of Hebrew origin. The name also takes inspiration from the name David.

9) Billy-Joe
Billy is a form of the name William, meaning 'resolute protection.' It's also of Hebrew origin.
Joe is a popular boys name that comes from the name Joseph.

10) Harvey-Carter
Harvey is a strong boys name that is of French origin. It also has the meaning 'battle worthy.'
The sweet name Carter is an English occupational name meaning 'to cart goods.'

11) Jack-Dean
Jack is of English origin and has the meaning 'God is gracious.'
Dean has the meaning 'church official,' and is of English origin. The name is simple yet is the perfect name for a strong baby boy.

12) Arnie-Grey
Meaning 'ruler; strong as an eagle' the name Arnie is quirky yet super cool for a boy. The name is of German origin and is a modern version of the name Arnold.
Grey is a colour name that literally means the colour grey. It can also be spelt as Gray.

13) Corey-James
Corey can also be spelt as Cory, and means 'from the hollow.' The name is of English origin and while it's popular, there'll not be many Corey's on the class register.
James is a traditional name of Hebrew origin, meaning 'supplanter.'

14) Jack-Thomas
Jack is a typical, cool boys name that is of English origin. The name Jack is a form of the name John, too, which originated in Medieval England. Jack means 'God is gracious.'
Thomas is also a cool boys name that is of Aramaic origin. It's meaning is 'twin.'

15) Leighton-James
Leighton (pronounced Lay-ton), is of English origin. The name means 'meadow town' and is becomming a popular name for boys.
James is a traditional name of Hebrew origin, meaning 'supplanter.'

16) Cody-Lee
Cody is a popular boys name that's of English origin. The name also means 'helpful.'
Lee is of English origin and has a meaning of 'pasture; meadow.'

17) Sawyer-Ford
Sawyer is a sweet boys name that is of English origin. The name also means 'woodcutter.'
Meaning 'dweller at the ford,' the name Ford is also of English origin.

18) James-Matthew
James is a traditional name of Hebrew origin, meaning 'supplanter.'
Matthew is also of Hebrew origin with the meaning 'gift of God.' The name is also Biblical, and is a classic, strong name.

19) Alfie-Jay
Meaning 'wise counselor,' Alfie is a popular baby boys name. It's of a modern version of the name Alfred, and is of English origin.
Jay has the meaning of 'jaybird' and is also of Latin origin.

20) Elijah-James
Elijah is of Hebrew origin and is a cute boys name that is becomming popular. Elijah is also a biblical name, meaning 'Yahweh is God.'
James is a traditional name of Hebrew origin, meaning 'supplanter.'

21) Xavier-John
Xavier is quite an unusual, modern name and is of Arabic origin. The name means 'new house or bright.'
John is a traditional boys name, meaning 'God is gracious.' These names sound great together and are the perfect contrast of modern and traditional.

22) Archie-Miller
Meaning 'truly brave,' Archie is a popular boys name that comes from the name Archibald. The name is also of German origin.
Miller is an English occupational name that means 'grinder of grain.' It's becomming a popular name choice for a boy, along with the name Archie.

23) Reuban-James
Reuban is of Hebrew origin meaning 'behold, a son.' The name can also be spelt as Reuben.
James is a traditional name of Hebrew origin, meaning 'supplanter.'

24) Jayden-Lee
Meaning 'thankful,' Jayden is of Hebrew origin. The name can also be spelt as Jadon, which has Biblical personage from the Old Testament.
Lee is of English origin and has a meaning of 'pasture; meadow.'
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