Trunki Flossi the Flamingo Trunki review

from Trunki
Trunki Flossi the Flamingo Trunki

by Ellie Kirwin-Jones |
Updated on

At a glance:

Flossi the Flamingo Trunki allows your little ones to ride in style and carry their favourite toys while being entertained during the long hours at the airport. It's pink, has sparkly rose gold horns and turquoise handles - a dream for all the young fashion queens out there. It is also approved as hand luggage by Ryanair, Easyjet, Thomson, First Choice, and Flybe.

How did this product make your life easier?

Sam: Going through an airport is pretty stressful even without a toddler in tow, the Trunki made our life so much easier! We packed it with toys to keep her occupied on the plane and whilst we were waiting around. She had her own seat that she found fun to sit n so didn't keep running off. She could pull it along by herself and when we had to go a little faster she could ride on it whilst we pulled her through the airport.

Tessa: We really like this product! My daughter is 2 1/2 and loved the independence of having her own case! She’s keen to fill it with as much as possible not just if we go away but also if she’s playing at home, it gets filled with toys and wheeled around the kitchen! She loves being towed on it too, a bit tricky when turning corners though.

Lauren: My nearly three-year-old loves to have her 'independence' and feel like she has her own thing to carry/use. The Trunki gives her that in a way - she can pack her items for the day and take them with her when we go away for the evening. There is lots of space in there and means that I can carry less in my suitcases or bags. It helps with space and allowing my toddler to love it and feel involved, meaning a reduction in tantrums too as it gives her something to focus on.

Would you recommend this to other mums?

Craig: The kids love this product so much. They were excited about packing it with their clothes. It came with some lovely foam type stickers what meant they could personalise it. It looks brilliant, is a great size for them to ride on but also for them to pull themselves. My 3-year-old loved pulling it around which gave me a free hand.

Curstain: If dragging your toddler about is hard work and they do not like walking then this is the product for you. My son loves to walk and run (we have a springer spaniel so he is used to walking lots) so he would only sit on this for so long before I ended up dragging it about for him. Personally, with kids I rather have my hands free at airports and check luggage in so I am not sure this is the right product for me but I can see why parents have it. For us, as a family, I think this works better on car trips for him to have his toys in that he can access himself and be in charge of. If a penguin is in there he will make sure he has it nearby!

Moira: I would wholeheartedly recommend this product to other mums, and think no one with children under 5 should travel without one! It takes a lot of the stress out of travelling with small children, as it enables them to be responsible for their own luggage and provides easy access to all the things they need.

Would you choose this product to win?

Lauren: It is a brilliant product overall. It is light, easily transportable, could easily fit underneath an airplane seat, very bright and aesthetically pleasing. The colours and design get children excited and for the most part, it is very sturdy. There are a lot of Trunki designs on the market, however, this is definitely one of the best ones that I have seen in ways of design, transport, ease of use and what it can fit inside.

Sam: This product should definitely win, it's the best ride-on suitcase that I've seen on the market. It comes in a huge range of designs with stickers to customise so everyone will always be slightly different. Build wise it is sturdy and not likely to break easily. I love how much my daughter loved it from the moment she got it out of the box.

Levi: Definitely for the younger children as it keeps them entertained whilst travelling. I think this product should win because it’s a good size and very easy to transport everywhere. I’d say it would be more for 2-5-year-olds. I love the vibrant colours you can pick. There are many designs to choose from and then design yourself with stickers which I think is a great way for little ones to make it their own!

What changes would you make to this product?

Esther: I think having wheels that can be steered is the biggest thing that would improve this product. I appreciate that this would have a cost implication as it would likely increase manufacturing costs, but I think that it would be worth it for the benefit this would give to parents. Especially, in busier settings or when turning corners is necessary.

Rebecca: The only thing I wasn’t too bothered by for this particular Trunki was the stickers included to decorate the suitcase. I would prefer it had a pattern on the actual suitcase such a wing to make it look more like a flamingo. I do prefer some of the other designs by Trunki better and they are more eye-catching for a child.

Lauren: It seems to tip a bit to the side when my toddler is riding it. If she was left unsupervised at all I do believe it would fall onto its side pretty quickly. It is a difficult one to solve as my toddler may be leaning a bit but it happens a lot like the wheels are a bit unsturdy. Perhaps a review on the wheels/balancing weights introduced. I would rather it be just a little heavier if it meant it was sturdier.

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