Koala Cuddle Band review

from Amazon
RRP  £39.75
Koala Cuddle Band

by Lorna White |
Updated on

The ergonomic cotton-blend Koala Cuddle Band baby wrap is as easy to put on as a T-shirt. Its side loops allow you to adjust the width according to your build and the age of your little one, and the breathable, ergonomic backrest will help you avoid overloading your back!

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Rrp: $44.75

Price: $39.75

Koala Cuddle Band at a glance

We spoke to these real parent testers to get their review...

How did this product make your life easier?

Katherine: Carrying a newborn in a sling frees up your hands to do other things so this product aims to be an easy to use sling suitable from birth. In some ways this product makes things easier as it is already part 'tied' with the use of the rings but the need to put a second wrap around part over the top takes away from this advantage and actually makes the product look unattractive and impractical to use.

Gemma: I love slings like this for the early weeks with a newborn. It allows me to be able to fulfil my baby's needs of contact but be hands free. I prepared meals, did washing, went to the toilet, went for walks and shopping while using this. For going out and about I like slings because it can be easier and quicker than manoeuvring with a pram.

Helen: It allows me to do things around the house! The ability to have both my hands free allows me to cook dinner, tidy up or be more engaging with my other child. The fact that he falls asleep in it is also really useful when we are out and about and he won’t sleep because he is in a new and unsettling environment. Also the cuddles you get while using the carrier are the best, and he feels so safe and secure.

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Would you recommend this to other parents?

Emma: I would definitely recommend this product to everyone I know who's having a baby, its lightweight to carry around, easy to out on and also put my baby in without the risk of dropping a baby and there is no buckles to buckle up, and it's very stylish compared go other carriers on the market! Would 100% recommend.

Chloe: I would recommend this product to other parents simply because it is so easy to use. The quality is amazing and the fabric is really soft. We loved that it came with its own little bag meaning we could store it easily and get out when we needed. Baby was very happy whilst in the cuddle band and would quite often fall asleep.

Sarah: I would recommend the product to another mum as it was very easy to use and very comfortable other than it getting a bit hot for both me and baby at times in the hot weather. If one of my mum friends had another child or was particularly busy I would definitely recommend the product to keep you hands free.

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Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Emma: Yes I would most definitely choose this product over the other baby carriers and slings on the market. Its colour is very universal and goes with every outfit me and my baby are wearing, the material is very breathable so my baby doesn't get sweaty, and is very easy to tighten and loosen, also the pocket is very handy!

Danielle: I do think this product should win, there are many reasons I would choose this baby carrier over others. I love the soft fabric unlike other carriers I have tried. I feel this is the most comfortable for me and baby. It's also great value for money. It's great that it is lightweight and compact and comes with a handy bag to store it in and protect it whilst not in use. And it's great that one size fits all so my partner can also use it and can be easily adjusted.

Sarah: I don't think this product should win. It was very hot to wear in the summer so it could use a more breathable material. However it did keep the baby secure and it was very comfortable. I would like to see something that makes it adjustable if possible. Also, I felt as though it didn't grow with the baby as it weighed down and hurt my back a little as she got bigger.

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What changes would you make to this product?

Katherine: I think the need for a second wrap part is a major flaw and adds to the time and inconvenience of the product and increases the likelihood of one part being forgotten when going out. I am not sure this can be improved without a total redesign. Brighter colours and higher quality material would also improve the product.

Gemma: If I could change one thing, it would be to improve the instructions. I think maybe including access to a video guide to show how to use it and how to adjust the sling to ensure it's comfortable for the parent and the baby. It would be helpful to know how to be sure you've achieved a good fit, and how to correct it if you find it uncomfortable.

Helen: The instructions for use. The English instructions were poorly translated so were a bit unclear. I had to watch a video to ensure I’d be using the product correctly. A proper translation into English would fix this issue- although the pictures were helpful they didn’t manage to convey the process by themselves. A QR code link to an official video of how to correctly use the product would be really helpful.

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