Chicco Seat 4 Fix Air at a glance:
Seat 4 Fix Air is Chicco's most versatile multistagecar seat that now features clever air pockets for enhanced airflow and optimum comfort all year round.In Group 0+, the 360º spin makes getting baby in and out of the car easier. The rearward facing position can be used until baby is 18kg/4 years.The Group 1 forward-facing position is suitable from 9kg to 18kg, whilst Group 2/3 is suitable from 15kg to 36kg. The adjustable headrest allows Seat 4 Fix to grow with child, features an additional side safety system and has Isofix connection for easy installation.
We spoke to these real parent testers to get their review...
How did this product make your life easier?
Laura: The car seat gives us a complete sense that out little one is always protected when in the car. It is something we use multiple times a day and it’s always quick and easy to get him in and out of. This style of seat where it spins is so much easier to use as it turns to allow you easier access to put the baby in and know he can then move to face the correct way. It is also a lot easier than the car seats that you have to carry the baby in as they get older and heavier these become unmanageable whereas with this it won’t happen.
Naivette: This product made my life easier as a mum because it offers the 360 spin seat feature for both rear and forward-facing positions. This is great for my toddler as she can climb in by herself easily and I can sort the straps out and spin her around. I also find this really useful when getting my toddler into the car when parked next to another car closely, rather than me having to do the harness in a front-facing position. The car seat was easy to fit in my car using the Isofix and top tether.
Charlotte: This car seat is amazing for every stage of your child’s development. I really liked the spin option as it makes getting your child in and out of the car so much easier. It has an Isofix base attached to it so no faffing around with having to strap the seat down which is obviously much easier for busy mums.
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Would you recommend this to other parents?
Sarah: Yes, I would recommend this product because it offers a 360-degree spin function allowing rear-facing and forward-facing seating, it is versatile and will grow with the child being suitable from birth to 36kg recline and therefore, in my opinion, offers good value for money. The best feature is the 360 spin.
Sinead: Spin feature is an essential in next stage car seat for me, along with Isofix. The seat feels sturdy and my daughter says it’s really comfortable. She looks happier in this seat than the one we had before and was even able to sleep in the seat which she hasn’t done for ages! It also kept her cool when we had a spell of hot weather which is a definite plus as other seats have made her sweaty and uncomfortable. It’s easy to install and feels really safe with the Isofix and top tether.
Laura: For a first-time parent this car seat is excellent as it will cover all stages as the baby grows and you don’t need to upgrade every time the baby outgrows the seat. The car seat is heavy which makes you feel safe using it and gives you a sign that it is of good quality. The inserts are clearly marked and easy to remove as the baby grows. I love the sun visor that comes with it, it’s such a nice touch. We have window visors but there is always somewhere it peaks through and this just helps stop the baby from being dazzled. The instructions were easy to follow and we like the fact you could look up the compatibility with your own car, we did get a little confused with the chair anchor as we had never used one before. But after reading the instructions and seeing the pictures on the side of the seat it became clear.
Would you choose this product above all others on the market?
Naivette: I wouldn't choose this car seat above all others for a 0-4-year-old (or 18kg) and that is due to the fact it is not i-size, which I understand to be the safest option. However, from 4 years (18kg) and up to 12 years I would choose this product because I think it would be excellent value for money to last through the rest of the car seat stages.
Charlotte: Yes I would choose this product over other models on the market because this one goes from birth up to 12 years old. I don’t know of others on the market that do this. Usually, it’s from birth till 4. So this product far surpasses that. It’s also really well made and I liked the sun canopy when they are a baby. The material is also lovely and soft.
Sarah: No, whilst I love the 360-degree spin feature and the versatility of it growing with the child being suitable from birth to 36 kg, by being able to change from a 5 point harness to 3 point safety belt in my opinion there are other 360 spin car seats which allow rear and forward-facing from competitors which feel sturdier and better quality, though granted are a little more expensive. The material that this seat is made from appears thinner and more flexible than other 360 car seats from leading competitors and this is my main reason for choosing another product over it. In addition, it does not appear to be the most comfortable seat, there is very limited back cushioning, some other car seats use polystyrene as a "backboard" this car seat is a plastic seat with a seat cover and no back support/cushion.
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What changes would you make to this product?
Sinead: Price point - I think it is expensive but would be worth picking up if there was an offer on it. We also found the straps twisted easily and were difficult to twist back. It’s also a very heavy seat so maybe not suitable for people who want to switch the seat between cars. It would also be great if you had a choice of colours!
Laura: The one thing I would change would be the size of the red button to release the straps, something I find it a little tricky is getting the correct angle to put enough pressure on it for it to release and the padding that goes around it. The padding slides off altogether or will move up and get in the way as you are trying to lock it together – if there was a way of attaching it in place that would be amazing. Also just an idea but as the baby gets older, if you could attach a tray to sit toys or snack on that would be pretty cool, then on long trips, it would help keep them entertained. I'm not bothered that it comes in black, I had a quick look on the internet and couldn't see other designs and to me, that isn't an issue. But maybe other parents would like a choice of colours.
Charlotte: I don’t actually have anything negative to say about this product. I really like it. Perhaps the only thing that would be good is if it wasn’t attached to the base so you could remove it for carrying into the house but that’s obviously something you can live with considering all the benefits that this seat brings. It’s not a massive compromise.