Lindam Sure Shut Porte Pressure Fit Gate review

from Lindam
RRP  £33.77
Lindam Sure Shut Porte Pressure Fit Gate

by Jane McGuire |
Updated on

The Lindam Sure Shut Porte Pressure Fit Gate has a ‘push to shut’ closing mechanism, so you needn’t worry about accidentally leaving it open. This style of gate has a bar along the bottom, which can potentially be a trip hazard. That’s why our testers recommended using it only on doorways or at the bottom of the stairs. Extensions are available to fit different gaps.

Vicky Daly, 34, from Cheshire, is mum to Finn, 16 months. She says: ‘Fairly basic gate, but it was good quality, decent value and easy to install. The swing-shut mechanism was quiet too.’

Sarah Lovett, 33, from West Sussex, is mum to Philip, one. She says: ‘Simple to install and operate yet children can’t open it! Incredibly good value too. But better at bottom of stairs.’

Laura Crumbley, 25, from Wigan, is mum to Finton, 18 months. She says: ‘Brilliant value, quick and easy to install. Opens easily with one hand, so great if carrying children or laundry.’

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