Tried & Tested: Joie pact™ pro Lightweight Compact Stroller

Joie pact pro stroller review

by motherandbaby |
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If you're looking for a compact and easy to store stroller that could serve you well from birth, to a big kid, then the Joie pact™ pro could be for you.
With 3 modes in 1 (carry cot, infant carrier and forward facing) you can create a custom travel system that meets your and your child's needs.

The best part is it's small enough to live in your car boot and folds down so easily, you can do it one handed!

Weighing just 6.3kg, it's super light to carry, making it ideal for holidays or a stroll down the road. Despite being featherweight, it's a sturdy pushchair made with high-quality materials like aero-grade aluminum, super-strength steel and undiluted plastics.

Don't just take our word for it, we put the Joie pact™ pro stroller into the Tried & Tested hot seat, read on to find out what our real parent testers thought!

On a scale from 1 to 10 how easy was the pact™ pro to set up?

Georgia: 10. Everything clicked into place so perfectly. It was well packaged into the sections you need and the instructions were clear and easy to follow. There weren't a lot of pieces to put together which made the assembly easy and fun.

Jessica: 10. It was really easy to set up. The adapters did initially throw me a bit, but after going back and consulting the handbook I realised it was my mistake. The picture guide in handbook was brilliant to follow, much easier and probably a lot quicker than having to read excessive instructions.

Lilly: 10. Putting it together was so easy I didn't even need the instructions!

What features on the pact™ pro made you feel your baby was safe and secure?

Jessica: What made me feel my baby was safe and secure was the 5-point safety harness and bar to hold on to. The safety harness was easy to adjust and clip into place. The UPF 50+ sun shade is very generous in size so it covers baby and provides protection from not only the sun, but the rain too! The waterproof cover is also very generous in sizing and was easy to put on to provide shelter from the elements. The multiple recline options and adjustable footrest meant he looked so comfortable when napping. I really loved that I could easily keep an eye on him through the peekaboo window.

Paige: The fact there is a one touch braking system meant that in any unexpected circumstances I could brake fast and with ease.
Lilly: The safety bar that clips either side of the pushchair and the safety straps, which have extra padding to support and protect the baby's neck.

Do you feel your baby was comfortable when travelling in the pact™ pro?

Alexandra: 100 percent! Being able to adjust the recline of the stroller made sure that I was able to ensure my child was comfortable at all times, whether this was when they were tired, or awake and wanting to see the outside world on our walks and adventures.

Jessica: My baby was very comfortable when travelling in the pact™ pro. Living in Cornwall we have many different terrains. Our first visit out in it was to Heligan Gardens and the stroller coped well with a variety of terrains experienced that day, from a muddy playing area, to rocky paths, wood chippings and gravel! My baby appeared happy, enjoying the ride the whole time. He looked incredibly comfortable when napping in it too.

Georgia: My toddler fell asleep for the first time in the pushchair for a long time. She wanted to get in as soon as it was set up!

What was the most useful feature of the pact™ pro?

Sophie: I loved the one handed fold because it was so simple and easy to use. It was also very lightweight when carried or lifted into the car.

Jessica: The most useful feature was how easily it pops up and folds down! And how petite it is when folded down. This feature is an absolute time saver. With our previous buggy it took a long time to clip the seat in and adjust it, but this feature is absolutely seamless and makes busy family life a lot easier.

Georgia: I love how small the pact™ pro folds down and the bag it comes in is brilliant. We travel a lot so whether we're going on a plane or in the car this has made journeys so much easier.

Would you recommend the pact™ pro to another parent and why?

Jessica: Definitely! It's such a versatile stroller that has coped well with all the terrains we've tested so far. I was initially concerned that because it is petite and lightweight that the ‘comfort’ and ‘cosy’ element may have been lost but this is definitely not the case. The material is soft and padded. The seat and footrest adjust very easily to suit your baby's needs.

Paige: I’d definitely recommend this to other parents for so many reasons, the main one being the light weight of the pram (just 6.3kg). This has meant I’ve not had to strain myself getting a toddler and a pram in and out of the car.

Emily: I would recommend the pact™ pro to anyone as it's lightweight and compact but still has lots of room for baby in the seat. The storage basket is lovely and big and easy to access along with the UPF 50+ canopy. I also love the breaks on the pushchair, it's a simple push down to activate and then push again to release, it's so easy and convenient.

See if you agree with our testers and check out the Joie pact™ pro yourself

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