Ergobaby Metro Compact City Stroller review

from Ergobaby
RRP  £319.90
Ergobaby Metro

by Maria Martin |
Updated on

The Ergobaby Metro really has it all, from being an ultra-compact and lightweight stroller that can go anywhere with you, to providing the ergonomic comfort your baby needs. It also has an adjustable leg rest and plenty of underneath storage for all the on-the-go essentials!

We spoke to these real mum testers to get their review...

How did the Ergobaby Metro make your life easier?

Jazmine Anderson-Russell says: "The mere fact that it is so easy to put up, use and then fold back down is a massive plus for me! I did it in seconds which is great as I have in the past wasted up to 5 minutes struggling with other Paraná in supermarket car parks! I have never been one to follow a manual without becoming frustrated but it was all so easy! I love how easy it is to push also, I never felt like I had to really make much effort with it."

Debbie Bennett says: "This buggy looks good, folds down one-handed to an excellent size with a useful handle, making it simple to carry in busy areas, shops, cat boot space or public transport. Being so lightweight means it's easy to push with one hand. It is very lightweight when collapsed and can literally be lifted with two (adult) fingers. The method to fold-down and assemble is very straightforward I only had to read the instructions once. As a 5'7 mum I didn't need to adjust the bar at all, it was a good height for me to push."

Sophie Burrows says: "I think this product is great and it makes my life easier as a mum. It is really easy to use and fold down which saves me a great deal of time when out and about and putting the pram into the car. I also like the vented panel on the hood when laid down - this enables my son to sleep without me worrying about heat and ventilation in the summer."

Would you recommend the Ergobaby Metro to other parents?

Emma Chatfield says: "To anyone who is looking for a compact, lightweight pushchair this is perfect. The design is really cleaver, allowing the pushchair to fold smaller than any other I've seen. Lots of room in the seat, which is important as baby grows and something missing from other similar styles. Design is smart. Making it look contemporary and unisex."

Katie Cotterill says: "Yes, I would probably recommend it. I like the stroller overall and it is certainly easy to use - the stroller is easy to fold down (tricky initially, but easy once you get used to it) and does not take up much space and it is nice to push and very lightweight. However, I am not sure that I would be happy to pay the retail price."

Christine Day says: "If you're lacking space at home or have a small car boot then I'd definitely recommend the Ergobaby, as it folds away into a small, compact, easy to carry bundle. If you're planning on doing a lot of train or airport travel (pandemic permitting) then the Ergobaby will be perfect as it's so easy to carry. The Ergobaby is also beautifully designed with a nice feel."

Would you choose the Ergobaby Metro above all others on the market?

Natalie Drury says: "If I had the budget, I would possibly choose this product. It was very nice to push and felt very light. I struggled with getting the seat to sit back up again with just one hand which is a disadvantage because as a parent, there are times when you need to be able to do things one handed. If there was a similar product with a different mechanism for reclining/sitting up I would choose that."

Kelly Frazer says: "I think this product should win above others as it does offer lots of great features for a lightweight stroller such as it has an easy one handed fold and small compact size. I like that this stroller is also available in a variety of colours and if necessary, you can purchase a separate carrycot for newborns."

Helen Grieves says: "The main reason I would choose this product over others is due to the small size that it folds down which means it can go as hand luggage on a flight (also means it’s less likely to get damaged). It also means I have more space in my boot for other things and makes travelling with a little one that much easier. The price for the luxury of being so small is really great and surprised me."

What changes would you make to the Ergobaby Metro?

Hannah Leland says: "The main reason I would choose this product over others is due to the small size that it folds down which means it can go as hand luggage on a flight (also means it’s less likely to get damaged). It also means I have more space in my boot for other things and makes travelling with a little one that much easier. The price for the luxury of being so small is really great and surprised me."

Laura Minns says: "Long term, I wonder if having the seat double us as the outside of the pram for carrying purpose would mean there is a lot of wear and tear to the seat. Could this ultimately lead to the seat looking quite dirty? I wouldn’t want to have to clean it frequently, and for the price I would want it to last well and continue to look nice."

Sophie Nendick says: "I never got the "knack" of folding it up and down, I could do it but it was never easy. It took two hand to take down and to carry which you don't always have as a Mum. I can take down and carry my buggy with one hand. It would also have liked to have baby more upright to practice sitting balance."

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