Pampers New Baby nappies review

from Amazon
RRP  £15.00
Pampers new baby

by Maria Martin |
Updated on

We take a look at Pampers New Baby nappies, as we ask our mum testers what they thought in their reviews here.

Some background info on Pampers New Baby nappies

With newborn's skin being 50% thinner than adult's, Pampers have designed their New Baby nappy range to bring the softest, most caring protection for our little ones.

What’s more, Pampers New Baby are the only newborn nappies approved by the British Skin Foundationto be safe in contact with newborn skin (size 0, 1 and 2).

How did this product make your life easier?

Emma Chapman says: "The nappies are really good at absorbing so whilst my baby was asleep they were not woken up by a cold wet nappy the nappy’s didn’t mark my child skin and I love the way they fitted very snuggly but still aloud movement I found that they were really easy to use and made life a lot easier but not changing every 5 seconds."

Brigid Hyett says: "Since my baby was born 4 weeks ago, I have been using a supermarket brand beginning with A and ending in i. These came highly recommended by fellow mums and unfortunately during this period my baby developed nappy rash, which has been difficult to treat and subsequently heal. I was so happy and relieved to test and review these nappies. 3 days into using these nappies, his nappy rash has completely healed. Having experienced the previous supermarket nappies and compared them to these nappies, I can testify that these nappies make your life easier as a parent for the following reasons: 1.The design and shape of the nappy fits my baby snugly which prevents leakages, so I no longer need to provide additional treatment to clothing to remove nasty stains. 2.I now understand why my babies nappy rash healed so quickly, the nappy has an incredible topsheet which moves urine and mess away from the top layer preventing skin irritation and providing comfort and protection. 3.Peace of mind, I never realised that nappies came recommended by the British Skin Foundation and pampers is the only newborn nappy range approved by this foundation to be safe in contact with newborn skin. This is a win win. 4.With my spouse at work, I am on night duty entirely, the 12 hour Pampers Trusted Dryness does give me peace of mind as at times I am exhausted and forget to change his nappy during the night, with these nappies I have noticed that his skins remains in tact and does not have irritation. This enables me and baby to have a good nights sleep."

Angela Hyslop says: "These nappies are lovely and soft. With the Pampers brand you know you can trust them to be comfortable for baby and leak proof, so you don't need to worry about changing wet nappies overnight. They are easy to put on and have cute pictures on them which appeal to toddlers helping with nappy changes."

Would you recommend this product to other parents?

Sian Jones says: "Pamper stripe to mark when a baby has urinated it a really amazing feature. This makes counting a keeping track of a newborns output super easy and helps you know when to change a nappy. However this feature is not only used by pampers - Asda own brand nappy have this at a fraction of the cost of pampers. Asda own brand also do this with far less nasty chemicals. So I would reccomend those over pampers."

Laura Keamey says: "As we did not get to test the nappies properly due to being sent a smaller size than we needed, I am unable to really comment on the wearability of the nappies. Pampers is a well known brand, therefore a lot of people know it. The designs on the nappies are nicer than other brands. The tapes seem easy to close and open again."

Jessica Molyneux Spence says: "I would recommend the Pampers Premium Protection New Baby nappies to other mums because they’re easy to use and have a great way of letting you know if your baby has soiled them. The blue line that shows up is just genius! Countless times I have ended up with poop on my finger when I’ve moved different brands of nappy aside to check. This makes it so easy, and also makes you feel like baby is staying cleaner and fresher because you can see exactly when they do a wee / poo."

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Emma Chapman says: "Because they don’t hurt my baby some nappies are not that absorbing or rub round their thighs and none of this has happened it stands out because of this the fact I know my child will be protected and won’t be sodden with a wet nappy as it’s brilliant at absorbing everything she does and for me this is why it stands out."

Brigid Hyett says: "I would choose this product over all others on the market as pampers is a trusted brand. Pampers is the only brand recognised by the British Skin Foundation to be safe in contact with newborn skin and that is quite the achievement. These nappies are kind to my babies skin. I find they fit him snugly around his waist along with soft double leg cuffs so that the nappy fits nicely preventing leakages. More importantly they provide comfort and protection, and interestingly the nappies do not leave marks on his sensitive skin. These nappies are especially important at night- they keep my baby dry throughout the night. When I change him in the morning his skin is dry and is in no way irritated. It has a wetness protector which proves really useful when out and about during the day."

Angela Hyslop: "The Pampers brand is known to be reliable for parents and this version is particularly nice for parents of new babies. The nappies are beautifully soft and seem very comfortable for little babies. They are easy to apply and easy to find in most supermarkets. They also look nice with the pictures on the front."

What changes would you make to this product?

Sian Jones says: "I would change the amount of chemicals that pamper use in their nappies. I find that you can smell the chemicals in them - this can’t be good for our little ones. I have also used their more “clean” versions but these are far more expensive. I think it’s terrible that this is a luxury item and therefore only more accessible to those with more money. Chemical and a more natural nappy should be similar prices to make these more accessible to a wider group of people. I also find the design of the happy unattractive. Other brand (Kat and Kin) have such cute designs on their nappies. Which make you want to photograph them. I find these nappies quite poorly designed - in terms of the graphics."

Laura Keamey says: "I would try and reduce the chemical smells as this was very overpowering on opening the packaging. I would also try to make them and/or the packaging more environmentally friendly somehow so I (and many other mums)? didn’t feel so guilty about damaging the environment whilst using single use nappies."

Jessica Molyneux Spence says: "If I could change anything about the Pampers Premium Protection New Baby nappies over nappies, it would be to make them more environmentally friendly. In this day and age we really need to be doing more and disposable nappies make a lot of mums feel extremely guilty. They have such a huge impact on our environment, it would be great if you could be proactive and take the lead in making a cheaper, eco friendly alternative."

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