MAM Comfort Soother review

from Amazon
RRP  £13.99
MAM comfort soother

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

The MAM Comfort Soother was developed in collaboration with leading paediatricians, nurses and speech therapists to support the needs of newborns and premature babies, making it one of the best dummies you can buy for your baby. The first of its kind, this baby dummy is extremely lightweight and features an extra small teat which helps to support natural sucking behaviour and promote healthy oral development. The soft material is extremely gentle on baby's skin and provides a comfortable and calming effect on newborns. Packed in a convenient steriliser box it can be sterilised in 3 minutes in the microwave without the need of a separate steriliser.

MAM comfort sootherMOTHER&BABY


  • A carry box is included for easy storage and keeping sterile.
  • They promote healthy oral development.
  • They have orthodontic teats which support natural sucking.


  • The price can be seen as a little high compared to others.
  • Maximum safety and comfort for your newborn
  • Unique one-piece design is especially hygienic
  • Especially soft for a calming and natural sucking experience
  • Particularly lightweight – 36% lighter² than other one-piece silicone soothers - easy for baby to retain
  • Soothes and comforts baby
  • Supplied in a practical sterilising and carry box for convenient and time-saving sterilising in the microwave


MAM Comfort Soother M&B awrds 2023

The MAM Comfort Soother won Bronze in the Mother&Baby awards 2023 for Best Product For A Newborn 0-4 months.

Testing the MAM Comfort Soother

I used the product with my son. Overall he found comfort using the soother. He has used soothers since birth, some he likes more than others and this was one that he liked using. The soother was a good size and shape for his mouth and he found comfort in it. He generally kept this soother in his mouth more than the soother he was using previously and often forgot it was actually in his mouth.

The thing that I liked the most about the product was the shape and size of the teat. When my son used this product I didn’t feel that his mouth or teeth would be affected by it. The product is durable, which was good as my son constantly likes to spit his soothers out into the floor!

This also meant that the little storage boxes were super handy - we could sterilise the dummies both quicker but also in a way that meant they were not needlessly coming into contact with other products.

We have used two types of soother previously and he generally finds the MAM soother more comforting, due to the teat. He generally took to this soother quickly and didn’t fuss at all when I changed from his old soother to this one.

You can tell that this product has been thoroughly well researched and developed by the company and it would cover bases that are not normally covered by your standard dummies you would find in every supermarket. The teat in particular was well designed and our baby did not react negatively when first introduced to it.

Final thoughts

I think the price point is a little bit too high. I like the soother, but if I think if you were faced with it in the shop with cheaper competitors most parents would pick the cheaper one as there's not a whole lot of difference between one soother and another. However with that in mind, if I knew this was award winning and had heard recommendations then maybe this would influence me to purchase.

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