Bambino Mio Miosolo All-in-One Nappy review

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RRP  £16.99
Bambino Mio Miosolo All-In-One Reusable Nappy

by Maria Martin |
Updated on

We love the bright and colourful designs of the Bambino Mio reusable nappies. With a soft and silky feel, our mums loved the soft and silky feel of the nappies and found they had no leaks or irritated skin. That said, it’s pretty bulky under clothes, but all in all a great little nappy.

Here’s what our parents thought, read their review here...

Expert rating:
Bambino Mio Miosolo All-in-One Nappy
Price: $26.47

How did this product make your life easier?

Natalie Cameron says: "This cloth nappy is very easy to use. It works almost like a disposable. You don’t need any insert so it’s ready to go. It’s Velcro fastening so makes it very easy to put on. It has a lovely pattern and is very easy to wash. It managed to contain poo as well so much better than a disposable nappy. I love that it means less waste too."

Sue Hirst says: "Using the miosolo all-in-one reusable nappy was easy and a joy! Taking off a non-reusable nappy and throwing it in a bin is obviously more convenient than removing a reusable one and having to carry it about until you get home and wash - but the feeling of knowing you are helping to save the planet for the little one who wears it is amazing - and that makes me walk with a spring in my step!"

Nicola Holman says: "For someone looking to use reusable nappies, I would recommend this product. The designs of the nappies are vibrant and fun, and the nappy is well-padded which I think contributed to ensuring that it stays leak-proof. However, the padding felt a little bulky, so it was a bit cumbersome under clothing and smaller baby grows. Although it comes in ‘one size’ with adjustable poppers and Velcro, I found these to be a little fiddly and therefore I don’t think it looked very comfortable or like it fitted my new born very well. Regardless, the nappy did prove to be excellent in terms of not allowing any leaks through onto clothing."

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Would you recommend this product to other parents?

Kira Lancashire says: "I would recommend this product as it is simple to use and with it being all in one there are not lots of individual parts to wash and reassemble. Ultimately you would eventually save money using the reusable nappies, which is very helpful to fellow mums, especially ones on maternity. The all in one is well made and the actual design i was sent (giraffes) is lovely."

Jessica Molyneux Spence says: "I would recommend the Mio Solo all in one reusable nappy to other mums for a lot of reasons. First off, the elasticated band around the top mean they it’s the only nappy I’ve used that has coped with a poo explosion! No poo all the way up the back thank goodness! I was worried about the moisture inside causing my babies bottom to be sore but actually the material on top seems to keep baby’s bottom dry but still lock in the moisture underneath it. I love that you can change the sizing of it. You can use it from newborn to toddler which really gives you your moneys worth! It’s not hugely bulky, which I thought it would be, and once it’s on baby, it’s not that much bulkier than a standard disposable. The nappy itself is so bright and colourful, as are the rest of the designs. It looks far lovelier on than a disposable and it doesn’t have any chemical smell to it."

Lauren Mullen says: "The miosolo all-in-one reusable nappy is an easy to use, environmentally friendly product for babies of all ages. In todays society where we are all looking for ways to reuse and recycle, the Miosolo reusable nappy reduces the need for disposing nappies. It is very easy to switch from disposable to reusable nappies and this product has given me positive reasons for considering switching to reusable nappies. I admit, that using reusable nappies is not for every mum, however the outer nappy is washed in your normal washing after use and you dispose of the soiled inner liner. I particularly loved the varied designs that the product is available in however the initial outlay of reusable nappies is to be seriously considered and they are bulky which when having a newborn baby can be a disadvantage as newborn babies go through lots of nappies!"

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Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Jenette Neal says: "If I was going to use reusable nappies this is definitely the brand I would choose. The designs are all so bright and I love the fastenings and poppers which insure they fit most babies from small to large. There are clear and detailed instructions on the packaging which you can read before you buy so you know how easy they are to use. Also the inside of the nappy is so very soft. This is a much better material to have next to my babies skin than a disposable nappy."

Harriet Norton says: "I have not been able to test any other reusable nappies but from speaking to fellow mums I feel that the all in one design is a key beneficial feature here and the nappy is well designed to fit a wide range of baby’s shapes and sizes. It is easy to fit and contained both wee and poo well, with no leaks."

Natalie Cameron says: "I do really like this product, it is relatively cheap compared to others on the market. With the Velcro fastening it is easy for anyone to use so food for relatives or nursery. It also doesn’t take ages to dry like some cloth nappies. The only down side is the Velcro seems less sticky over time. Also as my baby has got bigger she has figured out how to undo the Velcro which is the only down side."

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What changes would you make to this product?

Sue Hirst says: "There was nothing I would change about the nappy - it was amazing. The only downside I see, which is the case for all reusable nappies - is the bulkiness. When I received the nappy it was VERY hot weather wish - and I held off on using in favor of the lighter, less bulky, disposable nappies in the interest of coolness."

Nicola Holman says: "Although the product claims to be ‘no bulk super soft fabric’, I found it was a little thick and bulky for my new born and therefore it looked a little uncomfortable and was difficult to fit under clothes. If possible, it would be good to reduce the padding, and find a more efficient way to make the nappy smaller, as it felt particularly bulky when the poppers were pushed in to the smaller size. From a hygiene perspective, I think it would be best to use the nappies with the additional liners. This would help elongate the life of the product without smells and stains and improve the ease of use. It is a shame that these liners are not provided as standard. The nappies come with quite extensive instructions which can be a little off-putting as convenience is key with a new born."

Kira Lancashire says: "It was fairly awkward to get the insert back inside the the wrap once it was washed and dried. If this was made simplier the nappy would be alot more desirable. I found that when trying to pop the insert back into the nappy it was hard not to have the insert bunch up, and it took time to get the insert straight and flat."

Product Information

Bambino Mio Miosolo All-in-One Nappy

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