Bambino Mio Mioduo two-piece reusable nappy review

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RRP  £13.49
Bambino Mio Mioduo two-piece reusable nappy

by Maria Martin |
Updated on

Bambino Mio Mioduo at a glance

The Bambino Mio mioduo two-piece reusable nappy is a simple and versatile nappy made up of two sizes of nappy cover and a one size foldable insert which will see little ones through from birth to when they're potty ready. Made from 100% cotton, the foldable nappy insert is a super absorbent material and provides a soft and natural option for baby, making it perfect for delicate little bottoms. The nappy cover ensures a snug, leak-proof fit as baby grows by using the adjustable hook and loop fastenings. Available in a range of stylish designs.

We spoke to these real parent testers to get their review...

How did this product make your life easier?

Julia: Fundamentally I loved this product as it is environmentally friendly and good to not have to use disposable nappies. I had been apprehensive of using reusable/cloth nappies due to the perceived extra work and cleaning involved so I was very pleased to have been matched with this product to try. I did like the design and these were unisex. It was easy to use and easy to remove the insert. It is easily storable, easy to fold and they look good. I thought it looked comfortable on my son and I liked the double edges for adjustment to ensure no leaks. The main Velcro straps were really convenient and easy to attach and were big enough to apply with a wriggly toddler and to adjust with size. I also liked the extra design features in the additional Velcro to attach when washing so not to affect other clothes in the wash. It would be easy to transport but this also depends on how long and where you were going if you required multiple nappies. I would purchase more liners or disposable liners. I think I would actually continue to use this as an overnight nappy as my son reliably does not do a poo overnight. I have not yet used it overnight and therefore can’t comment on if it would leak at all overnight but it did work in the day so I would presume it to be fine. I would warn however once my child had passed a stool in the inner liner it did leak slightly. I then did not find it washed well as I was unable to get the odour out. I did find it pretty gruesome and difficult to have to scrape the contents out. I did not think this was practical if not at home. I did then have to have a system for soiled items before I was ready to put a washing load on. The inner liner was however easy to wash and did get clean. I would want to purchase perhaps disposable liners instead and in order to fully commit to reusable nappies a more robust system with multiple nappies, holding/washing bags etc.

Penny: This made my life easier due to knowing we were not going to run out of nappies, we were being more eco friendly as a family and it was so easy to wash and reuse, quick to dry. Baby was comfortable and nappy rash seemed to be less so. Very quick to change, straight in the wash and on the line to dry.

Amie: Only receiving one reusable nappy, I found it very hard to review as my baby did not have it on for very long. It was naturally soft - designed to feel better with 100% breathable cotton. It was easy to wash and dry - extremely fast drying time for quick nappy rotation, but not quick enough when trialling one nappy.

Would you recommend this product to other parents?

Julia: I think it reduces the mum-guilt of using disposable nappies as they are so bad for the environment. These are more sustainable. I did like that the reusable nappy was in two parts and therefore the inner liner was removable, washable and would be quick to replace. This would minimise what I would be storing. It would also mean I wouldn’t have to keep going to the shops for disposable nappies. It would also save a fortune! I was apprehensive using them as at the start of having children I thought the washing and drying of them would be too much hassle however I was surprised how easy they were in theory. Unfortunately I don’t have a tumble dryer and thought it would take too long to dry but actually they were quick to dry. I product tested this in summer so I think they would take longer in winter. Often with disposables when there has been heavy urine they sag and look awful however I found this more absorbent and still look good. I found urine only easy to manage however this is not something I can predict or control and unfortunately found soft stool very difficult to manage. I think it depends how often your baby actually passes a stool. My babies have always been very frequent pooers, especially when they were newborn and solely breastfed and therefore I would have been less inclined to use them in that scenario. I think it’s better when they are a bit older or if you don’t have frequent stools. The inner liner was however easy to wash and did get clean. I would want to purchase perhaps disposable liners instead and in order to fully commit to reusable nappies a more robust system with multiple nappies, holding/washing bags etc.

Amie: The mioduo is a simple and versatile two-piece reusable nappy. The nappy included a onesize foldable insert and a water-resistant outer cover with a very cool bright design. It was very easy to fold the insert into the cover for easy, no-fuss nappy changes. Onesize insert that can be used with two sizes of covers, which saves money in the long run.

Penny: I would definitely recommend this product to other mums, not only are you doing your part for the environment but they look fabulous and very trendy. Baby seemed happy in them and comfortable due to the soft feel of the nappy. Easy to change and my husband also found it really easy to use and change when needed.

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Amie: It was hard to review, I feel like you'd need more than one to really get a feel of using it in daily life. I'd prefer an all in one nappy with liners. Mio do offer a product like this. The designs are very cool and bright and not bulky compared to some.

Julia: I would use this product over other comparables on the market. I really did generally like the 2 part approach as if it was only soiled by urine then the liner was easily changed and you could reuse the outer nappy. This would mean you also don’t need to wash the outer nappy as much and therefore save water and washing. It has made me strongly consider using more reusable nappies in the future and to purchase more. My son is an active slim 2 year old and found them to be long lasting and comfortable once he got used to the initial change from a disposable. I did not have any leaks which I was concerned about given his build. I like the adjustability of the Velcro around the torso but also around the legs. It only took 1 initial wash to get the inner liner soft and absorbent enough to start using. Often with disposables when there has been heavy urine they sag and look awful however I found this more absorbent and still look good. The 100% cotton inner was nice and soft for my toddlers skin and did not get any nappy rash or problems from it. I did find it a little awkward to fold it and spread it throughout the outer nappy correctly to reduce the length so it wasn’t so bulky. I have not used any other reusable nappies so I’m unable to directly compare from practical experience. I do really like the quality of the outer material and it does seem well made and appears to be durable. I would therefore be interested in obtaining more especially trialling the disposable liners for the stool problem. I could then use the soft cotton liner at night.

Penny: Yes, I feel alot better using something that will not end up in landfill. Bambino has lots of different designs so not spoilt for choice. I definitely think this product should win, not only does it look and feel great but baby seemed a lot happier in these than in normal more restrictive nappies. The stand out designs are great and I will definitely be buying more and recommending to friends.

What changes would you make to this product?

Julia: I did want to love this product however I did find it pretty gruesome and difficult to empty. I would want to purchase perhaps disposable liners instead. Overall I would try to improve the washability of the outer liner. My son was also a bit reluctant to wear the nappy and did take some persuasion as I think it was a bit bulky for him. I did find the inner liner a bit awkward to position correctly especially so he was comfortable. I did have to ask a friend who uses reusables about her experience and tricks and hacks to improve usage and practicality. It would be useful to have a more comprehensive leaflet offering tips or links to additional products or storage tips for example using additional nappy storage bags. I think it would have been more practical to offer two liners per nappy.

Amie: I find this hard to answer to be honest, as I did not notice any wee leaks. But did not get the chance for a soild nappy change. I think better quality instructions would be good, I could hardly read it due to printing quality and had to use Youtube to watch how to use it properly.

Penny: Nothing, it is a great product and I will definitely be buying more designs and using from now on. A very successful product test. As always, you could do with more inserts however, as you build your collection this will grow, I used nappy bags when out and about after changing, maybe a washable nappy bag and you can chuck the whole thing in the machine.

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