Downward-facing dog is a thing of the past for expecting mothers, but that doesn’t mean you should give up yoga completely. You need to ensure that you don’t over-do the exercises and put your body through any stress. That's why it's so important to have the best yoga mats for pregnancy.
Partly, you have trust what your body is telling you – if it doesn’t feel right, change it. You should also know how pregnancy and postnatal yoga can help you. Lots of gentle exercises can benefit mother and baby, for example, cat-cow will help you feel good as well as connect to your baby and body.
When looking for yoga mats for pregnancy it's worth finding something with a bit of extra padding, as your joints are already going to be a bit more tender from the extra weight and extra work your body is doing growing your baby. Here are a few moves to try, plus our favourite yoga mats for prenatal yoga workouts.
Try out these moves on your new yoga mat during pregnancy
Warrior 1

Begin by standing at the top of your mat with your feet hip-width apart. Turn so you're facing one side of your mat and spread your legs about 3ft apart. Turn the foot (that’s closest to the top of your mat) so it’s facing forward and the other to the side. Square your body over your front leg and bend the knee. Once you’re here, press your palms together and reach up to the ceiling.
Benefits: Not only does this stretch your body, but it also helps to strengthen important leg, arm and back muscles.
Warrior 2

Again, stand at the top of your chosen yoga mats for pregnancy, but this time with your feet together. Place one foot at the edge of the mat, then step back your other and turn it to a 45-degree angle. Remember to take it back far enough so you feel a slight stretch and readjust your body as you need too. Lift your arms by your sides and keep them at shoulder level. One should be facing forward and the other towards the back of your mat. Open your chest and slowly breathe in and out.
Benefits: The best benefit of this position is that it’ll reduce backaches during pregnancy.
Tree pose

Take your right foot and firmly push it into the ground. Come onto your tiptoes on your left foot; once you’re happy to, lift your right knee so that you’re able to hug it. Take your knee and open it to the side, then place the knee on your thigh. Once you’re feeling confident, press your palms together at your heart and gaze forward, which should help you hold your balance.
Benefits: Traditionally this pose helps with balance, although, it’s equally great for building on your hip and pelvic muscles.
It’s important to remember that there are lots of different dos and don’ts that you need to follow, like not lying on your back after the first trimester.
Whether you’re new to the practice or an experienced yogi, the first thing you’ll need is a mat. Luckily for you, we’ve found all the best yoga mats for pregnancy. Don't forget to speak to your doctor before hitting your mat.
Winner of our best pregnancy/maternity product back in 2018, this super-soft yoga mat is designed with mums-to-be in mind. Not only does it have extra thick padding, but it has a grippy surface that can be wiped down easily, ideal for yoga mats for pregnancy. Want to find out more? Read our full review here.
Replace your flimsy yoga mat with this supportive exercise tool. It has high-density foam, so it’ll feel comfortable on your hips, knees and elbows when stretching out. It's waterproof, which is great if you already have kids. If there happens to be an accident, don't worry, it’ll come right off the mat. Also, how gorgeous is its purple colour?
There’s more to yoga than meets the eye. If you’re new to the practice, this is the best mat to support you during a gentle exercise. Even if you’re experienced at moves like side plank, during this magical time in your life it’s important to breathe and take it at a slower pace. If you go to a class, the handy strap will allow you to carry it anywhere with ease.
If you back is killing you during your pregnancy, we've got a few tips to try out on this mat. What are we saying, of course your back is in bits... Unroll this non-slip, black mat in your front room and make sure you have plenty of space around you! Our favourite pose is the goddess. To complete this stretch, you need to get in the squat position, while your feet face outwards. Raise your hands above your head with your palms facing each other and breathe slowly in and out.
Splash out on this beautiful yoga mat. Yes, over £100 might seem steep, but its intelligent design will help you to practice your mummy yoga techniques. OK, so our favourite thing about this is probably its bright pink colour. However, the fact that it's completely eco-friendly and made from a biodegradable material should tick all your boxes.
What yoga poses do you like the most? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!
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