Nuby Icy Bite Keys review

from Amazon
RRP  £14.13
nuby keys

by Stephanie Spencer |
Updated on

Nuby Icy Bite Keys at a glance:

Perfect for teething tots there's a mixture of textures including bumps & ridges that'll give the relief they'll need and they'll also encourage those all-important motor skills, which helps the development of their cute little lips, tongue, jaw and hard and soft palates.

We spoke to these real parent testers to get their review...

How did this product make your life easier?

Joanna: It is always handy to have a teething aid available to help sooth and distract your little one when they are a bit grumbly and you think teething may be the issue. The Nuby Ice Bite Keys are good as they act as a toy as well as a teether. Handy to distract and get a little bit longer settled time in the pushchair. My daughter probably used them as much to play with, bang around and make noise as she did to actually chew on them. I was pleasantly surprised the teether came in a cardboard box rather than plastic however there were no instructions so I had to search online to check if they were supposed to go in the fridge or freezer and how to clean them which I’m glad I did as they are not suitable for the freezer or steriliser.

Lisa: I found that I could carry less teething toys when we were out and about. This is due to all of the different keys on the toy. I didn't need to worry about any bits coming off the toy and injuring my daughter as it was well made. I also found that the product cooled quickly in the freezer so I didn't have to wait too long before I could give it to my child.

Ashleigh: My daughter can hold on to them really easily which is great as means I don’t have to help her guide them to her mouth and she doesn’t drop them as much as other teethers. The fact they can be cooled and stay cool makes life much easier as I don’t have to make my own make-shift cold teethers. They cool very quickly in the fridge too which means I can pop them back in and quickly get them out for her again.

Would you recommend this to other parents?

Hannalie: Yes, it's small, doesn't take up too much space in the fridge/freezer and does what it says on the tin. The design, although garish, is sensible. The fact that there are three characters to chew on means the relief provided by the teether is continuous even as one of the characters "thaws". My daughter likes the product, asking for her "cold" when she is in discomfort.

Nicola: Very practical and durable. It is a great portable item to add to those already hectic nappy bags. All edges of the keys are chewable making it easy for little hands to pick up and pop in their mouth whatever way they please. Doesn’t matter if it thrown on the floor as no aspects of it would be at risk of breaking.

Elly: I would most definitely recommend this product to a friend / fellow mum due to the fact is it incredibly easy to use. My baby loves the fact she can use it whilst teething but also as a fun toy at the same time! It’s super easy to keep clean and the fact it can be cooled to soothe sore gums is a big plus.

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Hannalie: It's very similar in style and colouring to an equivalent brand. Having said this, my daughter much prefers this teether to the similar product and it does provide relief for her teething. Whilst the product doesn't stand out in terms of packaging etc. it really does what it says on the tin and for that reason I would recommend this product.

Lisa: I love that this product can be chilled or used without chilling. The deign of the product is great. Children love keys. Being able to give them their own keys, which actually help with teething was an excellent idea. I found that it would keep my child entertained. I think the product could be a little more brightly coloured with some glitter or other sparkly items. This might have encouraged my child to use it more.

Nicola: I think it is great, small and easy to pop into your bag. Keeps baby entertained for a while if out and about and keeps them quiet. It’s handy it can be popped into the fridge for cooling which helps sore gums and teething coming through. Easily washed if required should it fall on the floor. One thing I would like is to be able to separate the keys.

What changes would you make to this product?

Elly: I love this product and can’t really find anything I’d want to change about it but if I had to suggest one thing it would possibly be more of a colour range like more girly colours or themes for different things like farming theme or dinosaur theme as I would personally buy these for my child but this product in general is super.

Hannalie: If possible, it would be good to have this in pastel colours, which provide a welcome distraction from the usual baby bright colours!

Ashleigh: I would make it so you can remove the keys, so that there are less on there or make them smaller / thinner. My daughter prefers to gum on the handle as opposed to the keys because I think they are too big and too heavy for her.

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