Babycup Sippeco First Cups review

from Amazon
RRP  £16.81
Babycup Sippeco First Cups 4-Cup Pack

by Lorna White |
Updated on

Price: $9.99

Babycup Sippeco First Cup at a glance

The perfectly-sized 100% recyclable, and now biodegradable too, mini open cup that makes learning to sip doable. Loved by parents. Accredited by the Oral Health Foundation! Sippy not sucky for healthy sipping from weaning onwards. No spouts or seals, non-toxic, BPA-free, phthalates-free; durable; dishwasher-safe; steriliser-safe. Translucent so little ones can see inside. Helps develop self-feeding skills, independence, fine motor skills.(Also suitable for cup-feeding infants through feeding challenges such as latch issues, bottle-refusal, cleft, tongue-tie). Designed to be gorgeous, made to last and Made in Britain. Easy to clean, germs can't hide. Looks good and does good! Sip sip hooray!

We spoke to these real parent testers to get their review...

How did this product make your life easier?

Elaine: Learning to drink from an open cup is a great skill to introduce at an early age. These cups are a lovely size for little ones learning this skill. They are nice colours and also stack up so do not take up much room in terms of storage which with all of the other weaning paraphernalia this is a bonus!

Vicki: This product is such a unique idea. Instead of using a beaker or any other drinking bottle this product made me think differently about weaning. From the age of 5 months my baby could immediately clasp the cup with both hands and lift it to her mouth to drink. Immediately developing her motor skills - without even realising.

Lucy: Getting my son to drink sips of water has been a struggle since we first started weaning. He’s never understood what he should be doing with a sippy cup. I have a box full of various different brands and one after the other they have all failed. I had started to think it was something I was doing wrong. Perhaps I haven’t been consistent enough or there’s a trick to it, but after listening to other mums and trying their tricks it still wasn’t working. Then arrived the Sippeco Babycup, and I thought this would be a whole load worse with a lot more mess, but I’ll admit how wrong I was. Yes, he still knocks it over and plays with it but when he wants a drink he picks it up and puts it to his mouth. I still have to tip it back gently but he is able to show me when he wants a drink. Oddly he actually makes less mess with this than he does with filled sippy cups where you have to half fill them just to get anything out of them. The amount of water you put in these is so small that when it's spilled it hardly goes anywhere compared to the quantity that splashes across the floor when a sippy cup gets thrown or continually bashed against the carpet. When I received these and read the background information with them I learned that they had been designed by another mum who had had the same struggles that I had been having and took action. Our problems had not been because of a lack of consistency, or not using the right tricks, or brand of cup, but because the available sippy cups aren’t designed, in my view, for children but for parents so that they can limit the mess. I just wish that I’d started off with these and saved myself all the worry

Would you recommend this to other parents?

Hollie: Yes I would recommend, even if your baby isn't ready to drink from a cup yet they will certainly get them ready for picking up and putting down. They have multi uses too so not only usable for liquid, great for feeding on the go. Great colour selection suitable for boys and girls and they are easy to clean and pop in a steriliser.

Christy: I feel it's too early to say if I'd recommend it. My son is nearly nine months old and is only just at the stage of picking up the cup (either end) but not yet putting it up to his mouth. Perhaps if I had tested for a little longer, I'd be in a position to recommend. I'll continue using it and then hopefully recommending it.

Carlene: I would recommend this product to a friend or new mum as there really good for a toddler to drink from and hold too. They're the perfect size unlike the bigger cups you get when a toddler can feel overwhelmed by them. They're lightweight too so not heavy in a toddlers hand either. There are easy to wash up too.

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Vicki: Yes I would choose this product to wean my baby. It’s the perfect size and shape. It has measurements on it so you can see how much you have filled it up. It is so easy for baby to grasp-as if they were a toddler! It is the perfect shape for babies little mouths and enables them to learn to drink even earlier.

Shamim: I don’t think I would exclusively choose this product but I would buy it alongside a more traditional beaker. I think it’s a good idea and like to support the idea behind it but practically I think it’s not suited to young babies and for older children I think it’s too small. My 2 year old likes drinking from them but it’s not enough volume for her.

Hollie: I might not go as far as to say i would chose it above any product on the market, my boys still prefer their bottle and i would prefer no spills right now so will move to a traditional sippy cup after that, but for right now they have other uses so I still love the product. I can see they are helping with hand eye coordination with the boys as they love picking them up and putting them down and in the future when we transition from sippy to cup I am sure they will get even more use.

What changes would you make to this product?

Lucy: Different colour options, but that wouldn’t change how much I love this product in the slightest. I do find that my son seems to reach for the lighter colour ways when it comes to utensils and these cups so perhaps some more muted pastel variations of the same colours. But do I think that could improve this product or make my life easier? No, because they’re already perfect.

Vicki: If I could change one thing it would be to have a range of sizes in one packet. In the packet you get 4 of the same size but in different colours. If possible it would be lovely to have a small, medium and large. A tiny idea because I love them just the way that they are. Fantastic product!! Well done.

Christy: I can't find any faults with the product itself, but I feel that the price is a little high. If I'm honest, I'd likely only buy this if it were on offer and if I could maybe see it demonstrated or maybe even recommended by another mum. I'm happy with it otherwise.

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