What’s In Her Mama Bag… Sam Mann

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by Lorna White |
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TV presenter and Mum of two Sam Mann reveals the secret weapons in her baby change bag...

Hello! Right… I’m going to show you a few things out of my change bag… I’m not going to show you inside because it’s a bit minging. Don’t be fooled by this glossy, new exterior, inside there’s some mouldy sweets and all sorts of things you don’t want to see. But here are a few things in the bag that I don’t mind you seeing...

Colouring Book

The first one is a really super colouring book that we picked up at a private members club called Maggie and Rose. They make their own colouring books and they’re really cute and old-school and teach little ones little things and how to make certain colours and stuff so I’m going to get that out the next time we’re at a restaurant.

Baby Scan Picture

Another thing that I like to carry around with me – ‘cus I’m very mushy – is this super cute picture of my little girl when she was in my belly. A nice scanned one, like a credit card thing, one of the grandparents did this for us – super cute.

Floral Headband

This is mine… no it’s not it’s my little girls. We got it at camp Bestival last year and we put it on when we’re in the park and we go searching for fairies and stuff like that, so we keep that in there for a sunny day, which is very rare at the moment.


Also in my bag I have the God send that is the iPad. It used to be my other half’s, we only had one in the house and it’s now my 2 and ¾ olds.  It’s all smudged and horrible, it’s full of Peppa Pig, In the Night Garden, loads of movies and it’s a great if you want a quiet few minutes in a restaurant. Of course I don’t give it a whole meal, I do interact sometimes!


Last but not least… a really cute little stamp that I keep in there as well. I’ve got quite a few of these, we had them made when my little girl was born just to say she’s here. I could post a card a day with this but I’m not going to, I’m going to keep it forever in a little keepsake box that’s in here as well.

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