Binky Felstead just revealed her new book to help you boss motherhood

Binky Felstead new book

by Eleanor Weaver |
Updated on

Made In Chelsea's Binky Felstead has just revealed her brand new book all about her lived experience through motherhood, available to pre-order now.

The mum of two, daughter India and son Wolfie, has shared her very personal experience of being a mother; navigating co-parenting, the heartbreak of miscarriage, and meeting a new partner with a child in tow. And as co-founder of the bloss app, each section comes with valuable advice from qualified family experts.

Sharing on Instagram Binky wrote, "I am so excited to share everything about it with you – if you’re a single parent, have had a baby, or even thinking about it, wanting to get a gift for yourself or gift for a friend (maybe Baby Shower 🎁?) - this book is for you!

"THE MAKING OF YOU: a guide to finding your identity and bossing motherhood, is part my story of my pregnancies with India and Wolfie, how I’ve dealt with confidence, miscarriage, having a ‘blended family’, finding new friends, juggling work and parenting life, and part expert advice from 30 incredible experts on post-natal anxiety and depression, to nutrition and relationships.

"Beautifully illustrated, I have written this book in the hope that it will be the only guide that you need, and one that you will want to keep forever."

Whilst it won't officially be released until 23 February 2023, pre-ordering now means you'll be guaranteed a copy and be one of the first to receive it through your letterbox on the day. We can't wait!

Binky Felstead's new book

The Making of You

Rrp: $28.99

Price: $16.12
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Target$21.92View offer

Alongside parenting and releasing a new book(!), Binky is also the founder of the wellness retreat The Mummy Tribe which specialises in holistic postnatal retreats.

Mother&Baby caught up with Binky a few years back at a Mummy Tribe event to talk 'the mum juggle', breast pumps, and the worst advice she's ever been given...

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