Taf Toys MP3 Stereo Cot Mobile

from Taf Toys
RRP  £69.99
Taf Toys

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

Taf Toys’ MP3 Stereo Cot Mobile (by Halilit) is a clever product, combining an Mp3 player with baby’s mobile!

The mobile is lovely – colourful, with a mirror, light show and dangling toys.

The Mp3 is pre-loaded with nature sounds as well as calming classical music but the best thing about it is that you can download your own preferred music onto the device (using your own memory stick), which is detachable. It would be nice if a USB was included as part of the product package, considering the price!

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Read our guide to the best cot mobiles

The idea is novel but whether this is enough to warrant the expense (especially when music can, of course, be played to your baby with or without the mobile) is debatable.

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