Stick-O Magnetic Cooking Set review

from Amazon
Stick-O Magnetic Cooking Set

by motherandbaby |
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Stick-O Magnetic Cooking Set at a glance:

The beautifully-designed Stick-O Cooking Set contains chunky magnetic pieces in a lovely baking and cooking theme. There are 16 different shapes - including a crackable egg - so young children can play at making food and using cooking utensils, from a frying pan to a fork. Stick-O is the pre-school magnetic construction toy from award-winning Magformers. Magnetic sticks, balls and other shapes are easy to hold thanks to their larger size and 'grippy groove' design. The magnets safely sealed in every piece rotate, so poles always connect, making model-building frustration-free for little hands. Stick-O is funky, chunky, educational and creative.

How did this product make your life easier?

Carolyn: This is a very good quality, well made toy. My 2 and 5 year old had great fun playing with it. They enjoyed all the different shapes, foods and utensils they could make. They also made it into a phone and would have conversations with each other. It kept them amused for ages, which gave me some time to get organised!

Sarah: Although I'm not sure this toy would necessarily make my life easier I will say that this toy kept my boys amused for more than 5mins. It is a great toy to get their imaginations going and to be able to continue to build new things every time! They absolutely love the fact that the toy was magnetic and that they had to find out which bits could be put together.

Claire: This is a great product! Both my boys aged 2 and 4 have enjoyed playing with it. It stimulated my elder son and he enjoyed making different food types with the different shapes and my younger son enjoyed the magnetic aspect of it and sticking the shapes together. They have both played with it independently for a period of time which is a winner as a Mum!

Would you recommend this to other parents?

Karen: I wouldn’t recommend this product too fellow mum unless their child is interested in magnets. If they are, there is absolutely no doubt that this is made well, is totally safe and probably is very satisfying if they have the imagination and knowledge to make recognisable items. My 22 month old certainly does not although he has learnt the word click! The magnets are really easy to clean too which is great for play between pals!

Nicola: I would recommend these products to a friend as I feel that this product is innovative and imaginative, providing a toy that children can use in so many different ways and that can be combined with other role play items/toys to expand play. The magnetic aspect of the toy also lets children explore different magnetic substances.

Jade: I would recommend this toy to a parent with older children but definitely not younger ones, even though this product is for 1 months old plus. My older daughter (31 months old) did have a lot of fun with this product once my son was asleep and she played really nicely with it and we made lots of different things with it.

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Valerie: I would choose this product over others because it was made from solid parts and the magnetic elements were very well hidden. Therefore there was no danger of my children swallowing small parts whilst playing with it. I also felt it stimulated their imagination and allowed them to enjoy pretending to cook food. My children enjoyed making pretend food and bringing it to me to enjoy. These moments were priceless.

Arif: I think this products should win because its so versatile, colourful and so different to any product out there. Kids would love it. Its durable, great design. Its quite bright and keeps children interested to the product. I greatly recommend it over any products because of the reasons mentioned before.

Claire: This product stands out as it is different to other products on the market and I know no others like it. The magnetic aspect of it is great and makes building less frustrating for toddlers. It has chunky pieces also making it easier to build with for little hands. It is fun and stimulates creative skills.

What changes would you make to this product?

Sarah: I really liked this product and the boys were kept amused by it. A couple of things I would change are 1) The price - at £25 I would think that was slightly high I'd be far more tempted to buy this as a present for multiple friends children if it were a bit closer to the £20 mark 2) the one small piece - it was almost bow tie shaped, I ended up taking this away as it was just easy for our younger son to get hold of and put in his mouth! We also didn't find this part as useful as the rest.

Claire: There isn't really anything I would change about the product. It is quite expensive but I think overall worth the money for the quality and usability of the toy. I also like that the other Stick-O sets are compatible with it so the toy can be added to in the future. It would be nice if it maybe came with a little bag that the pieces could all be kept together in.

Jade: I would definitely make the pieces bigger. I think bigger parts would be a lot more fun for the child and also put the age range up. I think 18 months old is to young and risks a lot of children because they are more likely to put the parts in their mouth. I love the aspect and design of this product and me and my daughter had a lot of fun making stuff.

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