Kitchen accessories by Hape Toys

from Amazon
RRP  £20.84

by Aimee Jakes |
Updated on


Hape Toysis one of the world’s largest producers of toys made from sustainable materials. From fine-motor skills to encouraging language, the toys are designed to help little ones learn from play. From wooden puzzles to train tracks to kitchen accessories, the toys promise to spark the imagination of every child!

Mum-of-three Carly Hurd puts it to the test:

I have been looking for some robust, good quality role play toys for my 3-year-old, and have discovered the fantastic range of wooden kitchen accessories by Hape.

These lovely toys enable creative play and are sure to engage your toddler for hours. The best thing I found about this range of toys is that they are appealing to such a wide age range, as both my 3-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter sit and play with them together or on their own, creating games about cafe’s or baking. It’s a lovely way to encourage group play amongst siblings that usually squabble!

The interactive features of these toys are lovely. The coffee machine has a lift up lid where a pretend coffee pod can be placed. I think my daughter loved being able to mimic me in her games, which I found very amusing! The Mix and bake blender also has an interactive feature that enables the whisks to be turned, just like a real mixer. These lovely touches help to elevate playtime, making it more interesting and engaging.

The waffle maker is lovely and strong. This has been put to the test, being dropped and slammed shut several times! If your little ones are regular waffles eaters, they are sure to love this. The set even comes with little felt strawberry pieces! The metal tongs are small enough for little hands to use and the pretend maple syrup completes this lovely set.

The Healthy basics range is a fantastic set of basic foods that compliment all of the kitchen accessories. I loved the fact that they let your child use their imagination to create games based around healthy food choices. They are all incredibly durable, and are the perfect size and shape for your tot to hold and carry. My only small complaint was with the wooden straw on the orange juice carton. It comes out of the carton and my 3 year old insisted on running with it in his mouth, so I have chosen to remove this from his play, but it is absolutely fine for my older children.

I suspect these toys to stand the test of time in my household. They offer a great range of role play choices, and any toys that get my children to play together nicely without fighting gets a thumbs up from me!

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