Chicco Monkey Strike review

from Chicco
RRP  £20.15

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

The Chicco Monkey Strike is a really fun family game! The bowling set is durable – made to withstand all manner of banging, throwing, stacking and chewing.

The cups (‘skittles’) are easy to grasp, with vibrant, colourful images – the monkey faces are a riot of fun! The game is a great way to learn about numbers and colours, and to improve and develop coordination.Taking turns to stack the cups and then rolling the ball towards them will keep tots entertained for ages, especially if mum or dad has joined in on the game. And even when tots aren’t playing ‘bowls’, their new monkey friends are bound to be equally entertaining as part of ‘regular’ playtime.

A nifty storage bag would be a great addition to the product but otherwise – what fun!

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