Infantino Flip 4-in-one convertible carrier review

from Infantino
RRP  £29.86

by Clare Bradley |
Updated on

The Infantino flip carrier is a lightweight cotton carrier suitable for birth onwards that can be used in four different positions. it has adjustable shoulder straps that can be altered to suit a growing baby up to around 15kg, or two years old.

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Mum Lauren, Mum of Austin (6 weeks) puts it to the test:

As a new mum, it was around four weeks into my maternity leave at home, with my husband back at work, that I realised how useful a carrier would be. Finding time to make a cup of tea or butter my toast in the mornings was a challenge! This affordable carrier was the perfect support system. It’s lightweight and has a much easier system than a sling, which I found to be difficult to position and get my baby into on my own. My baby is only six weeks old and fits comfortably and easily into the carrier in the inward-facing front position.

With this carrier, you simply strap it on like a backpack (front or back depending on the baby’s age), pop your baby inside comfortably and off you go. The supported headrest means that the baby is secure and comfy and able to nod off happily. The straps are easily adjusted once your little one is in place allowing you to tighten or loosen easily as you go about your day. As they grow, the inward-facing ‘newborn’ position is adjustable to allow for an expanded seat ensuring that it remains hip healthy. It’s very lightweight too, perhaps one of the lightest on the market, making it a bit easier on your back, especially as your baby grows. The dribble bib is also a useful and attractive feature, and the whole thing can be popped in the washing machine too. My husband has really enjoyed using the carrier around the house and in the garden too and it’s given him a chance to bond with our little one when he gets home and I need a break, whilst still being able to help out around the house too.

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While it’s lightweight nature means it’s not necessarily suitable for long walks and is probably better suited to younger, lighter babies, it is perfect for occasional use around the house and short trips out. It’s also relatively cheap compared to some others on the market so it makes a good, affordable starter carrier. It’s not as robust as some of the more expensive carriers available, but for its price, it’s a great buy. For me, it has been a must-have and allowed me to get some of my freedom back early on.

To buy and for more reviews please visit our Baby Carriers page

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