This all-in-one, newborn ready Ergobaby Omni 360 baby carrier has several different carrying positions (forward-facing, backwards-facing, side-facing and backpack style). It takes you from week one to 20kg and has crossable straps to give you a personalised fit. This carrier also features lumbar support for back comfort.

Would you recommend this to other mums?
Amy: I would definitely recommend. The product has made my day to day life so much easier. If you are an active parent then it keeps your hands free and your little one occupied, close to you and happy. The design is brilliant, comfortable for various aged children and it was simple to get the hang of its varying functionality. It is lightweight and easily packs away when not in use.
Israa: I loved this product would definitely recommend it. It’s comfortable to wear and very easy to use. There are countless videos to show you how to use it. Fantastic features include no need for a baby insert to use from birth, four different carrying positions, machine washable and it doesn’t lose its shape on washing, a fabulous little fold-out hood that offers sun protection and a cushioned neck support for the baby. It’s very stylish and gender neutral and I LOVE that there is a carrying pouch for keys etc. My baby loved it and would fall off to sleep every time, so I think that classifies as comfortable too!
How did this product make your life easier?
Amy: I have always struggled with babywearing, so was a little dubious when I discovered that I would be testing this. It's safe to say that I am completely converted. I have used the sling every week and it has been absolutely brilliant. I have used it for so many things, including - but not limited to, walking the dogs, trips to the nursery, at the airport and whilst on holiday. Additionally, we were able to utilise it for both girls - so could carry our three-year-old on our back when the baby was sleeping in the pushchair.
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Kerry: This carrier makes life so much easier in every way, frees up your hands for when your baby is clingy, allowing you to carry on with your day. I was suffering with a bad back and hip displacement due to carrying my son - this product relieved the pain as the padded straps distributed babies weight evenly across my back. My son hates his pushchair so this allowed us to enjoy long walks and get out of the house.
Would you choose this product to win?
Joanne: Initially this product is fiddly, however, once you get to grips with it, putting it on couldn't be simpler. It is really comfortable to wear and the ability to put a small baby in without an insert is a stand out feature. It makes it much quicker to put on but also looks far more comfortable for the baby. This really is a great product, however, I'm not sure for the price that I would pick this sling over some of the others on the market.
Sarah: I feel that Ergobaby have managed to take all the things that you need in a baby carrier and merge them into one. Compared with other carriers I have used in the past, I found it comfortable and secure to wear and it supports baby in a hip-healthy “M” shape position which is important. The fact that you only need one carrier, without the need for inserts, means it will last from newborn to toddler making it good value for money. I would highly recommend.
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What changes would you make to this product?
Harriet: If I could change one thing it would be the cost. The product is nice, well made and visually pleasing but it is in a higher price bracket to many of its competitors and doesn't have anything different to warrant the price increase.
Kerry: If I had to change anything about this product it would be to have an easier way of changing it from world-facing to parent-facing. Perhaps more breathable fabric as the heat of the summer months made both me and baby very warm.