Mamas & Papas Armadillo Twin review

from Mamas & Papas
RRP  £449.00
Mamas & Papas Armadillo Twin

by Ellie Kirwin-Jones |
Updated on

At a glance:

The Armadillo Twin is a spacious and comfortable twin stroller from Mamas & Papas, perfect for suburban strolling with your two little passengers! Whether they are a newborn or a toddler, this stroller offers plenty of room for your two. You can also alter each seat, so if one wants to sleep and the other wants to sit upright, they can.

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How did this product make your life easier?

Charlotte: It’s great because you can obviously have two children in there, and it makes it easy to strap in both. I only have one child so I wasn’t able to use both sides so I looked a bit strange pushing one baby around in it! But it was fine to use and did the job at hand which was pushing a baby around. The fold mechanism is easy, so that was a bonus, as a lot of the time they are difficult to fold plus this has one chassis and a carry handle which makes life easier when you are about and about. It is also better with storage, it doesn’t take up as much room as I have expected it to and it fits easily into a normal-sized boot. The hoods extend to shelter babies from sun and rain and is waterproof in light rain, but not so much in heavy rain.

Lydia: This product is easy to assemble and easy to get your child in and out, the seat belts are easy to do up. I have a newborn baby and a toddler and the backrests were simple to adjust for each child, making getting out and about a quick process. It's very smooth to push and easy to manouever whilst out and about. I have a tandem pram which is heavy to push so this twin I really noticed the difference and felt less tired after a long walk.

Karen: I’m a mum to a toddler and have a baby grandchild. When I’m out and about on my own with the two of them, my toddler can become very tired. This pushchair solves that as my toddler can sit at the side of my grandson and interact with him. The pram is a delight to push and fits through all the shop doorways. It is easy to fold with one hand and fits easily in the boot of my car and still leaves room for shopping bags. The basket is very roomy and fits shopping and toys in there.

Would you recommend this to other mums?

Lindsay: I would definitely recommend this product to other mums with two children. The material the buggy is made from is wipeable which is always a plus with little ones. It holds down into quite a small buggy which quite shocked me. The shopping basket is great as it’s very big which means you can get more in there. The buggy itself is very sturdy and very easy to push around. My children had plenty of space in this, in fact, my 20-month-year-old did not want to get out. It also has a great sunshade hood which is brilliant on sunny days. I think this product is great value for money.

Caroline: I would recommend this product to all my.friends with two small children regardless of age. The pram can be folded with one hand and is light enough to get in and out of the car. The handle is fantastic and the canopy is super. The seats are comfy looking and the harness is padded and super safe.

Mark: As a dad, I would recommend this particular twin pushchair as it is very close to perfection. It is narrow enough to navigate yet wide enough they didn’t squabble when in it. The hoods are very long and have a nice window in them to view the kids. The padding is awesome and they seemed comfy inside. It wiped down well too. I tend to give the kids a biscuit to chomp on during a ride so it was good to see it didn’t stay mucky for long.

Would you choose this product to win?

Kirsty: Yes, I never knew I needed a twin pushchair in my life until testing this one. I had always had the baby in the sling and toddler in the single pushchair or baby in the pram and made the toddler walk. I have since been converted and am looking forward to when we can next go for a walk. For me, the main thing is that it is a relatively narrow twin able to fit through the hall of a new build property or a narrow path but able to provide enough room and comfort for my two sons. Despite being sat in close proximity they did not argue once. Definitely my winner!

Sarah: If I was looking for a twin pushchair for a mixed age or older pair of children I would definitely go for this one. On first appearance, it seems quite bulky but in reality, is actually quite narrow. It copes well with mixed terrain and has nice little features like a window in the sun shade. The padding over the straps is comfy too.

Hollie: I would not choose the armadillo twin buggy over any others on the market as my personal preference is a double buggy that is slightly narrower and more lightweight making getting through doorways and small paths easier. Although this buggy folded with ease it was quite heavy to lift once folded making getting it in and out of the car challenging.

What changes would you make to this product?

Lydia: I liked this pushchair and could find little fault, I did find the pushchair rather heavy to lift once folded down and hard to lift up into my boot or into the house as would need it folded down as wouldn't fit through all my doorways. The under compartment I found large but a small opening so tricky to get larger changing bags in.

Helen: I would make the handle on this pram telescopic, my husband is 6ft 5 and so a telescopic handle in prams allows him to more comfortably push them without worrying about kicking it. It would also be preferable if the pram could be both forward and parent facing to allow a closer watch of newborns that may be using the pram.

Charlotte: If I had to change one thing about this product it would be the seats. I would have liked them to sit in a totally upright position. I have a little girl who loves to be sat upright which can’t be done with this buggy. I think toddlers especially like to be sat straight up while out and about and think this could be a little bit of a problem.

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