Cuggl Elm Forward Facing Twin Pushchair review

from Cuggl
RRP  £149.99
Cuggl Elm Forward Facing

by Catriona Watson |
Updated on

At a glance:

Give both of your babies some protection from the weather with this Cuggl Elm forward-facing twin pushchair. It features linked brakes and five-point harnesses so they will always stay safe and with extra padding they'll be riding around in comfort. Each hood is individual, so your little ones can be too. There is a basket underneath to hold all of your essentials.

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Would you recommend this to other mums?

Fatima: I would recommend it for someone who has lots of space in their car and home as it is not designed for people who have restricted space. It gives both children a good view and ample space making them comfortable. It folds relatively easily and fits into my boot with ease. The price point is desirable and makes a cheap double.

Charlotte: I would recommend this product to a friend who was looking for a second or spare pushchair, or possibly a holiday pushchair. It’s quite lightweight compared to some other twin pushchairs which meant it was easy to get in and out of the car. I wouldn’t however, recommend it to someone who has children with an age gap of two years or more. My children found it very uncomfortable overall, and it was difficult to figure out which child should sit where. Overall, the buggy wasn’t suited to our family.

Shazia: This twin buggy has several benefits. It is nice to have both children sitting in front of one another at the same height rather than staggered. It is also nice that both children can sit facing forwards with a clear view around them. The backseat has space for the child to dangle their legs down and doesn't feel cramped. The arrangement of the seats means that both children can sit comfortably and enjoy the ride.

How did this product make your life easier?

Eleanor: The fact that this pushchair is all-in-one with no building required would definitely make life easier. Especially if you’re someone that needs to take it in and out of the car or to fold it in the house for storage. The pushchair is easy to use when navigating shops and busy pavements.

Amy: This pram would make your life easier as it is easy to push and fold. It folds quite small considering how big the pram actually is. The back part lays back fully so it is great for a newborn and your toddler can go in the front. It is also amazing value for money which is good if you are on a budget.

Natasha: This makes my life as a mother of two much easier in terms of getting out of the house quickly. I can pop to the shops with both of them in half the time and even in hot weather it is great as it has hoods for both sections. Prior to using this product, I used a buggy for my toddler and had my baby in a sling but in hot weather this is not feasible. This buggy allows them both to see outside and I can get to the shops without hassle.

Would you choose this product to win?

Sania: This wouldn’t be my first choice of pushchair as it is very heavy and bulky even when folded. Lifting it into the boot of a car was a lot of effort and it took up a lot of space. As a double buggy it would be useful for a particular combination of children; a newborn and young toddler, as only the rear seat lies flat. The front seat is also very constricted and I would be surprised to see a two-year-old fit comfortably given the unadjustable foot rest and fixed bar across the seat.

Emily: The main reason that I would choose this buggy above others would be that it is excellent value for money! £149.99 for a buggy that is easy to use, is slimline so fits through all doorways and is so simple and quick to collapse down to transport in a car, makes this a very good purchase for new parents on a budget!

Katherine:  I wouldn't choose this product for my family. It is lacking essential features like a rain cover, different reclining positions and easier access to the shopping basket at the bottom. This may suit some families but unfortunately, it was not for us!

What changes would you make to this product?

Shireen: I would make it lighter, and less bulky. This would make it easier to transport and put in a car boot which already has a hundred things in it! The heaviness does make it strong and durable. Ocasionally it felt like I was pushing a train it was so long and bulky. Despite this, I did not find it too heavy to push around and it seemed to turn corners easily.

Elizabeth: I would revisit the design with the weather resistant hoods. It definitely needs a rain cover. When folded if the hoods were more easily removable or folded better it would fold small enough to fit in my car boot without much fuss which would improve the ease of usability tenfold. Overall it is not bad given the cost.

Helen: The one thing I would change is the durability in the rain. I’m not sure how good it would be when it’s raining as there did seem to be a gap between the seats which would let in the rain in. Overall, for the money, this is a great pushchair. If it could be slightly shorter in length to making it more manoeuvrable, that would be great too but obviously, this would affect the seat sizes.

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