Unplanned Pregnancy? How To Cope And What To Do Next

by Samantha Ball |
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Flicking through your diary, you realise that red circle hasn’t appeared for a while. You’re late – and not at all prepared for the positive pregnancy test now sitting in your hand. So, what now?

Address your feelings

Sit down and allow your feelings to come, whatever they are. ‘Pay attention to the emotions you’re feeling and how they’re physically affecting you,’ says psychologist Mia Scotland. ‘Are you shaking? Are you feeling sick? Without judging yourself, let them out – cry, get excited, whatever you need to do.’

Understand shock

It’s normal to feel everything from being excited and deliriously happy to negative emotions such as worry or confusion, even if your pregnancy is planned.

‘Shock can leave us feeling and doing things we wouldn’t normally,’ says Mia. ‘This is to be expected, so give yourself a few days, then readdress how you’re feeling.’

Get (non-judgemental) advice

Talk to people you can trust to be balanced and supportive.

‘This is such a personal experience, so you and your partner need the freedom to think things through without pressure from anyone else,’ says Mia. Your GP can also discuss your options with you.

Move forward

The key is to give yourself time to get your head around this.

‘Adjusting takes time and you may still feel anxious or nervous, but rest assured you will start to feel excited and this feeling will grow,’ says Mia.  And when you feel ready to connect, start bonding with your baby by talking and singing to your bump– research shows it’s really beneficial for your growing baby.

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