While it’s a very special time, carrying your baby lasts for 40 weeksand by the time you are holding your new arrival in your arms, there will definitely be aspects of pregnancy you’ll be glad to see the back of.
Whether you are having yourself and bump out of bed or dealing with well-meaning strangers, maybe it helps to know you are not alone and that there are some universal struggles for all mums-to-be…
Pregnancy truths

1) Hands off!
Over-zealous bump-touchers who think you are public property.

2)Optical illusion
It doesn’t matter how hard you glare, some folk just love to tell you how huge/tiny/knackered you look.

3) Story time
It’s open season for everyone else to share their pregnancy and birth stories. Thank you, random woman on the bus.

4) Sofa situation
All you want to do is sit down on the sofa. But as soon as you do, you can’t get comfortable.

6) Travel system science
The feeling you need a PhD to work out the mysterious world of travel systems.
Hint: go and browse in Mamas & Papas or Mothercare or book an appointment at a John Lewis nursery department to work out what you need.

8) Just breathe
Your growing baby has got very cosy in your uterus and pushed your diaphragm up, giving your lungs less space than usual.
This may make you feel a bit breathless which is normal, but if you feel faint, in pain or can’t catch your breath then seek medical assistance.

9) A tight squeeze
The sudden realisation that you plus bump don’t fit through certain gaps anymore.

10 Home bird
Nesting and napping become way more appealing than glamming up and going out.

11) Oh so tired...
But oh so awake at 5am. Every morning. Pregnancy insomnia doesn’t happen to everyone but when it hits, you know about it. Yawn.

12) Time flies by
Yet you are still impatient to meet your little one.
What truths can you relate to? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!