‘I Orgasmed During Birth’: Read This Mum’s Story

by Rachel Toal |
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This mum really did experience the kind of birth that the rest of us can hardly believe is possible

Sue Walker, 34, a technical assistant, lives in Hollins Green with husband John, 36. She is mum to Charlotte, three, and Sadie, 18 weeks

‘Going to bed one night at 39 weeks, my stomach felt achy. It wasn’t painful, but something told me it was different to the Braxton Hicks I’d been experiencing that day. While John and Charlotte slept, I sat in the lounge watching DVDs to take my mind off the twinges. At 1am, they were becoming regular, but I was happy on my own, circling my hips to ease the pressure.

‘By 4am, my contractions were coming fast, so I woke John up. We’d prepared for a home birth and, as John inflated the pool in our dining room, I called the hospital to let them know I was in labour. There was no point sending a midwife out yet, I assured them, I was handling it fine on my own. After an early morning wander in the garden to ease the pressure, I began to feel the baby moving down and was desperate to immerse myself in my birth pool.

'I’d read somewhere that the physical act of laughing helps to push the baby down so, as I lay back in the water, John put on a Peter Kay DVD. I chuckled at the TV, and thought my labour hadn’t been too bad so far. But the sensations soon intensified and I did wonder how painful it was going to get. I asked John to call the midwife, while I kept my focus on positive thoughts, such as imagining I was floating on satin.

'As I stood up, something hit me that felt different to any contraction I’d had before'

‘When the midwife turned up, she asked me to get out of the pool so she could examine me. As I stood up, something hit me that felt different to any contraction I’d had before. It started as a twinge, then developed into a rush that overwhelmed me, spreading all through my body and taking my breath away. I realised I was having an orgasm!I couldn’t believe this was happening. It lasted for about four seconds, during which time I truly felt like I could achieve anything.

'I’d read about orgasmic births, but I never expected it to happen to me. I didn’t say a word to John or my midwife, as I was too shocked and embarrassed. And, as I’d been quiet throughout, they were oblivious. The midwife got on with her examination, confirming I was fully dilated and ready to push. As I was kneeling by the pool, focusing on each push, the same thing happened twice in the space of 15 minutes. Each orgasmic rush felt amazing. This was nothing like the labour I’d expected.

‘Still kneeling, I felt the baby’s head emerge and, in one huge breath, I felt a release as my baby girl slid onto my legs. Beaming with pride, I picked her up and we lay together on a blow-up mattress – I felt overjoyed. The midwife wrapped her in a towel and, as she started to breastfeed, I delivered the placenta and was given three stitches – the only part of my labour that hurt.

‘I still don’t know why I orgasmed, although I’ve read it can be the baby pushing on your G-spot. Until now, I haven’t told a soul – it felt too intimate – and, once Sadie was here, we were too wrapped up with her. It’s difficult to talk about, but I’m proof it can happen.’

What I Would Tell My Friends

Don’t be scared. I focused on the idea that my body was designed to give birth, and that made my labour so much easier.

Read Ina May’s Guide To Childbirth (£12.99, Vermilion). This book gave me the confidence to know I was capable of having a positive birth.

Do educate yourself. Find out what happens inside your body during labour.Reading what to expect helped me visualise the process, so that I could just go with the flow.

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