7 Skills You Already Have That Mean You’re Ready To Look After A Newborn

Visitors arrive! You rush around trying to dig out packets of biscuits and put the kettle on when your friend appears in the kitchen, guides you back to the sofa and tells you she’ll sort it. You want to kiss her but instead burst into hormonal tears.

by Hannah Fox |
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Now that your baby is finally here and you can start enjoying motherhood and maternity leave, you may think you’ll be giving your work skills a rest for a few months. But the good news is that your talents in the workplace can also be applied to looking after a newborn – here’s how…

You’re great at multi-tasking

Pre-baby: You can answer the phone, take notes, respond to emails and drink a cup of tea in the office.
Post-baby: Okay, so those cups of tea tend to go cold more regularly, but you can still chat to your friend, breastfeed and keep an eye on This Morning, while booking in your baby’s next playdate.

You’re used to working round the clock

Pre-baby: While most of your post-5.30pm hours involve dodging grumpy commuters or putting the world to rights in the pub, you’re well used to long days.
Post-baby: While most bosses don’t call at 2am wailing for milk, having a newborn and having a busy job does have some similarities, so at least you’ll be slightly prepared. And the good news is that with a newborn, you can have a middle-of-the-day kip – not quite so easy when you’re working 9-5.


You’re good at decision-making

Pre-baby: Whether it was closing an important deal, picking the right person to pitch to clients or knowing which stock to order, the workplace involves you making daily decisions.
Post-baby: The decision-making doesn’t stop once your baby arrives. This time, it’s about feeding or sleep techniques, but when you’re used to making snap work decisions – often while under pressure – making parenting choices should be a doddle.

You trust your instincts

Pre-baby: You rely on your instincts every day. Whether it’s knowing if you should sign a particular client, or reword an email to a co-worker, taking a moment to listen to your gut is a skill in itself.
Post-baby: While it can seem like everyone has their own opinion on raising a baby, it is, ultimately, your decision and one that requires trusting your own instinct. Mother knows best all that…


You know the meaning of teamwork

Pre-baby: Whether it’s pulling an all-nighter to get a project finished or brain-storming ideas in a meeting, you’re used to working in a team and value the help that others can give in your daily job and life.
Post-baby: You’ve got a whole new team now you’re a mum, but your partner, mum or baby group friends can provide the perfect 2am-feed-tag-team or source of advice when you need it most.

You’ve got good communication skills

Pre-baby: You’re happy chatting to work colleagues, your line manager, the postman, your friends and the slightly strange woman at the bus stop. You even manage a presentation in front of 15 people (although you rely on the old ‘imagine them in their underwear’ trick to beat the nerves).
Post-baby: Becoming a mum opens up a new and ever-expanding social network. Luckily, you’ve already got the skills to make small talk with other mums at soft play, explain to your GP why your newborn isn’t well, or sit down with your mother-in-law and politely explain why your feeding technique is the best one for your baby.


You persevere with problems

Pre-baby: Staying motivated in your job, or persevering with an exercise workout at the gym (that you dread but know is good for you) will stand you in good stead once your baby arrives.
Post-baby: If motherhood teaches you anything, it’s the value of perseverance. Whether it’s feeding your baby or helping him to sleep through, you stick at it, and it always pays off in the end – usually with a gorgeous gummy smile that has you melting…

What other skills did you have that you’ve used since becoming a mum? Let us know in the comment box below.

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