Got your Glastonbury ticket before you discovered you were pregnant? Or can’t bear to miss out on your annual festival trip but not sure how your bump will factor in? The good news is that festivals and pregnancy DO mix – so long as you follow these rules. If Beyonce and Mila Kunis can do it…
Go glamping
Glamping is a brilliant option if you’re pregnant – think of it as the first class section of the campsite – and it will be far more roomy, quiet and comfortable for you. Can’t afford the luxury? Take a camp bed and sleeping pillow to improve your tent. And check the festival’s regulations before leaving – some allow pregnant women to camp in the disabled areas.
Look before you book
If you haven’t already got your tickets, take some time to look into festivals that cater for pregnant women and families. For example, Camp Bestival has a 'mumma baby sanctuary' where you can relax and even have your bump painted.
Get clued up on the on-site medical staff
Before you head off, figure out where the medical area at your festival is and take down a phone number incase you feel unwell. Some festivals (including Glastonbury) also have an on-site midwife.
Chat to your doctor before you go
Before making any plans, make an appointment with your doctor to get the go ahead. He’ll be able to let you know how to best take care of yourself and your bump – and whether it would be safer for you to give it a miss.
Take food with you
Off certain foods at the moment? It may be worth freezing some meals and taking them in your cool box in case the smells from the food stands turn your stomach. And pack lots of energy-boosting snacks to keep you going.
Be prepared
If your due date’s just a couple of months of less away take your hospital bag with you and figure out where the closest hospitals are in case your baby decides to put in an appearance!
Keep hydrated
You’ll need plenty of water to keep you fresh throughout the day. If you feel overheated or faint at all, have a time out in your tent or ask for at the festival’s medical tent.

Pack a potty
Yes, it’s a little gross, but having a portable toilet on hand will save you fumbling around finding your torch, shoes and loo roll and braving the portaloos a few times each night.
Take a chair
Festivals are exhausting. And that’s before you had to carry around a tiny person all day. So take a camping chair or stool with you for whenever you need a rest.
Look after your feet
Forget Wellington boots – take some shoes that are actually comfortable to stand in all day long. Your feet will thank you later!
Carry hand sanitiser
If you’re a regular festivalgoer you’ll know that the toilets aren’t the most hygienic of places and don’t always have soap so definitely take a water-free hand wash with you kill off any germs.

Make your bump known
Unless you’re quite far into your pregnancy, your bump may not be all that obvious. Especially to other festivalgoers who have got their beer goggles on. So, pop on a ‘baby on board’ badge to make it clear that you’re expecting.
Take a fan
Festivals can get hot, so take a battery-powered handheld fan to help cool you down. Or enlist the help of your partner or a friend use a good old fashioned fan to keep you cool.
Avoid busy areas
It’s obviously impossible to completely stay away from crowds at festivals but it’s still best to avoid the mosh pit and jam-packed dance tents. Take a rug and pitch up at the back of crowds.
Pack a book
You’ll probably need the odd hour of downtime – especially if you’re going with a group of friends who are planning on partying 24/7. Take a book or something to do so you don’t mind spending time on your own.