Joe Wicks shares new pregnancy workouts

Joe Wicks and wife Rosie Wicks

by Emily Gilbert |
Updated on

You're probably already aware of all the fantastic benefits of exercise during pregnancy, helping you to enjoy a healthy nine months. If you're still searching for the best exercise for you and your bump (that won't cost you a penny either), fitness fanatic, creator of delicious recipes and dad-of-four Joe Wicks aka The Body Coach may have just the answer.

Along with his regular YouTube workouts, Joe and his wife Rosie filmed a series of four pregnancy-safe workouts. At the time of making these videos Rosie was pregnant with their third child and due in just a matter of weeks.

The videos are 20 minutes long and Joe says they are "gentle, low impact workouts focused on maintaining strength and fitness throughout your pregnancy".

If you're interested in having a go, check out the first of the Joe Wicks pregnancy workouts below.

Can you exercise while pregnant?

It's natural to be concerned about whether exercising while pregnant is safe for the baby. The NHS suggests you don't have to worry, saying: 'Exercise is not dangerous for your baby'. Relating to evidence that complications in later pregnancy and labour are less likely when women are more active during their pregnancy, the fitter you are, the easier it is on your body! This is because your body is more adaptable to the changes you'll be experiencing because of your pregnancy – like gaining extra weight and the inevitable changing shape of your figure. Remaining fit and active will also help you to cope with labour.

On Joe Wicks' blog 'The Body Coach', experts talk about their experiences and offer advice about safe exercises during pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynaecology doctor and blogger at The OBGYN Mum, Dr Brooke Vandermolen who regularly exercised during both of her pregnancies, points out that it's important to get the go-ahead from your medical team first. Every woman's body and pregnancy is unique and professional support is essential. Personal trainer Frankie Holah, who specialises in pre and post-natal fitness approached fitness during her pregnancy in a practical way by thinking about how she could prepare her body for the challenges of labour and then motherhood. She thought about things like lifting heavy and awkward baby equipment like car seats, and the fact that she'd be feeding and holding baby for hours.

Safe workouts during pregnancy

You may have to adjust the intensity of your workouts at different stages of your pregnancy, which is why it can be really useful to get advice from your health advisor if you plan on keeping up with pregnancy workouts. If you're unsure that you may be overdoing it at any time the NHS advises that, as a general rule, you should be able to hold a conversation as you exercise. So keep in mind if you're feeling breathless while talking, you may need to slow down. They say it's also important not to suddenly take up strenuous exercise like running, swimming or aerobics classes, if this isn't something you were doing previously. And don't forget to also let the instructor know you're pregnant if you do decide to take a class.

Joe Wicks pregnancy workouts

In Joe Wicks' playlist on YouTube for pregnancy safe workouts there are currently five videos for you to follow. The first four are 20 minutes long and the final one is 15 minutes long. In the videos you can watch how Rosie uses a dumbbell, bodyweight, and a resistant band while during her third trimester. Interestingly, she says she found it harder in her first trimester, and that the workouts got easier as she progressed in her pregnancy.

Rosie says she does the workout around three times a week and yoga once a week. Remember your workout should be tailored to your body and fitness level. Joe says that it's not about lifting heavier weights each week or getting stronger, it's more about maintaining your strength with control and good form whilst stabilising your joints and keeping a strong core to prevent lower back pain. Joe advises being gentle and listening to your body.

The best exercises for pregnancy

When thinking about what kinds of exerise to include in your workout routine while pregnant, keep in mind that you may have to change things up depending on what stage you're at. When you're heavily pregnant in your final trimester, your workout will to look very different to what you might be more capable of doing in your first trimester. Working out under supervision is a good idea if you're not sure how far to push yourself, which is why classes geared towards pregnant women are perfect. And remember that exercise doesn't have to be strenuous, at any stage of your pregnancy, for it to be beneficial.

Dr. Brooke on The Body Coach blog offers a list of gentle forms of exercise that you can do regardless of what you were doing before you became pregnant. Some of these pregnancy exercises include; walking, swimming, stationery cycling and low-impact aerobics. Pre-natal yoga or pilates are also great forms of exercise for you during pregnancy, not to mention a great way to hang out with other mums-to-be. Brooke also mentions raquet sports and strength training.

Pregnancy workouts to avoid during pregnancy should be pretty obvious. For example; contact sports, weighted sit-ups and abdominal rotation machines (moreso after 12 weeks), hot yoga or any exercise that risks raising your core body temperature to high levels.

Aside from the above, maintaining your health and fitness during pregnancy is a great idea. It'll help you feel your best so that you can enjoy your pregnancy and prepare your body and mind for the birth and motherhood. Joe Wicks pregnancy workouts are a really helpful starting point if you want to follow along from the comfort of your own home. Also, explore The Body Coach TV by Joe Wicks on YouTube for loads of content relating to keeping fit and healthy during your pregnancy and beyond.

M&B: A journalist since 2015, Emily Gilbertis the Features & Reviews Editor for Mother&Baby and has written for the website and previously the magazine for seven years. Emily writes about everything from the top baby products to pregnancy, fertility and maternal mental health. Specialising in product reviews, Emily is the first to know about all the exciting new releases in the parenting industry.

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Mother & Baby is dedicated to ensuring our information is always valuable and trustworthy, which is why we only use reputable resources such as the NHS, reviewed medical papers, or the advice of a credible doctor, GP, midwife, psychotherapist, gynaecologist or other medical professionals. Where possible, our articles are medically reviewed or contain expert advice. Our writers are all kept up to date on the latest safety advice for all the products we recommend and follow strict reporting guidelines to ensure our content comes from credible sources. Remember to always consult a medical professional if you have any worries. Our articles are not intended to replace professional advice from your GP or midwife.