How Taking Aspirin Could Boost Fertility

by Samantha Ball |
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US researchers found that taking a daily aspirin table could improve the chances of conception and of having a live birth.

Forget expensive treatments and drugs. New research suggests that taking aspirin could in fact boost a woman’s fertility. US scientists found that low doses of the drug could improve the chances of conception and of having a live birth. The reason for this was cited that aspirin increases blood flow to the womb.

However, contrary to popular belief, taking the drug does not prevent miscarriage. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health randomly assigned more than 1,000 women with a history of pregnancy loss either a low dose of aspirin each or a placebo. They then followed them for six months while they were trying to conceive and found there was no difference in the pregnancy loss rates between the two groups.

Instead, they found that 78 per cent of women who had experienced a single, recent pregnancy loss had an increased rate of pregnancy and live birth when they were taking a daily aspirin tablet, compared with 66 per cent who took the placebo. The results were published in the The Lancet journal.

What do you think? Did you take a daily aspirin tablet when you were trying to conceive? Would you take one? Let us know in the comments box.

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