DIY Beauty: How to trim your own fringe

DIY beauty

by Lorna White |
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Stretch the time between haircuts by trimming your own fringe. Salon visits are not always a priority for busy mums, so here’s how to get the same results in your own bathroom

Marc Trinder, art team director at Charles Worthington, explains how to keep it in shape:

Buy decent scissors

Invest in a pair of hairdressing scissors and a pair of thinning scissors.

Never trim wet hair

Hair shrinks as it dries and it will end up short.

Section your hair

Split your fringe into two horizontal sections. Cut the underneath section first, followed by the top section.

Be cautious

Always keep more length than you think.

Soften the fringe

Use a pair of thinning scissors to soften your fringe. Then, starting in the centre of your fringe and working outwards, chip into the hair with the hairdressing scissors.

Keep the sides longer

This frames your face.

Own up if you make a mistake

Try softening the mistake with thinning scissors but, if in doubt, go to the salon for expert help.

Only trim once

Trimming your own fringe more than once between appointments will start to change the shape of your cut.

Don’t trim tricky hair

Leave unruly or very straight Asian hair to the stylist, as these types of hair show up every little mistake.

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