The best sex positions to get pregnant

The best sex positions to get pregnant

by motherandbaby |
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Looking for the best sex positions to fall pregnant fast?

Sure, the Kama Sutra won’t guarantee a pregnancy, but if you’re trying to conceive, there’s no harm in making these sex positions your new favourites, ready for those ovulation days. Especially if you're hoping to fall pregnant quickly... We spoke to Intimina’s gynaecologist Dr Shree Datta to hear her expert opinion on the best positions to get pregnant.

What are the best sex positions to get pregnant?

Experts claim that different sex positions don't make much difference when you’re trying to conceive. However, there are always theories and ideas behind why certain sex positions could be best for your baby-making – they generally involve the idea of encouraging gravity to help his sperm along.

'Although some have suggested that positions such as missionary which enable deep penetration optimise sperm entry into the vagina,' says Dr Sheree The main thing is for both you and your partner to feel comfortable when having sex to make sure sperm is entering the vagina at the time of ejaculation - making sure that you have stopped any form of contraception of course!'


Although it might not be the most exciting position to get intimate with your partner, it gives deep penetration close to the cervix, so your partner's swimmers have a little extra help in their swim for an egg.

Your legs on his shoulders

This sex position means your pelvis is tipped back, which gives his sperm a helping hand from gravity in trying to reach your egg.

You on top

This is great when you want to feel in control, but think about switching before he ejaculates. The theory goes that being on top stops gravity from doing its best to help his sperm along its way.

Doggy style

Again, this position allows for deep penetration. As an added benefit, some theories say this is the best sex position to use when trying to conceive if you have a tipped uterus. Once you’re finished, roll over and lie on your back with your hips elevated to give his sperm time to travel.

Side by side

Lying side-by-side can be a relaxing position for couples, making it the perfect position if you’re feeling stressed out. Lie face-to-face or opt for some spooning. This ensures maximum comfort and is great for anyone suffering with a back problem – or morning breath...

Do I need to orgasm to fall pregnant?

Of course, it's very important that your partner orgasms in trying to conceive during sex, but there is no evidence that female orgasms make any difference here.

Dr Shree says, 'It's definitely important to make sure that your partner fully ejaculates into your vagina to best promote your chance of pregnancy, but there's little evidence to suggest female orgasm is key to help you conceive.'

Gentle contractions in your womb can help to move the sperm along, up into the cervix, but these happen with or without you having an orgasm.

Are there sex positions that mean I'm more likely to have a boy or a girl?

There's no research that says different positions mean you're more likely to conceive a boy or a girl, but there are plenty of old wive's tales that suggest differently. One claims that to conceive a girl, you should have plenty of sex with you on top. Another claims if you have plenty of sex with him on top, you are more likely toconceive a boy.

'There are also no foods or lifestyle changes that you can make to influence the sex of your baby - it all depends on whether a male or female associated sperm fertilises the egg.' Says Dr Shree.

Should I stay lying down after sex to boost my chances of conceiving?

With this one, it can't hurt to try it. Gravity means that if you stay lying down after sex, the semen is more likely to stay in your vagina and around your cervix than if you get up straight away. If you've been trying for a few months with no success, try to stay lying down for ten minutes after sex, with your hips raised on a pillow to encourage the sperm to travel down to your egg. That said, do not follow this advice if your GP or health professional has ever advised you to empty your bladder immediately after sex.

It is worth remembering that with or without lying on your back after sex, or cycling your legs in the air, or doing handstands, millions of sperm are released in every male orgasm, so even if you get up straight away, they should already be on their way.

is the [best time to have sex]{href='' } if I'm trying to get pregnant?

This is a very important one and all depends on when you are ovulating - if you're not sure, use our ovulation calculator to find out exactly when this window is. For most women, having sex around 14 days after your last period is when you are at your most fertile. Although there is a window of important days where you should track when you are ovulating, try and have sex regularly throughout the month, as this is thought to be more effective than just having sex for one week a month.

'It's important to remember that over 80 per cent of couples will conceive within a year if the woman is under the age of 40 and having regular unprotected sexual intercourse,' says Dr Shree.

'Within the second year, around half of those who haven't conceived will do so. National guidelines suggest that vaginal intercourse every 2 to 3 days optimises the chance of pregnancy, so don't limit yourself to having sex around ovulation time only. Do get to know your menstrual cycle, however, so that when you are pregnant, you can estimate how many weeks you are in the initial instance'

How much sex do I really need to have when trying to get pregnant?

On average, it takes couples around 12 months to get pregnant if they have regular sex, don’t use contraception and don’t have any underlying fertility issues so don’t worry if you've been trying for a couple of months and haven't had a positive pregnancy test.

According to Dr Shree, 'the guidelines suggest having vaginal intercourse every 2 to 3 days to increase the chance of pregnancy. Do remember that you should be taking pregnancy supplements including folic acid 3 months before trying to conceive and that you should stop any hormonal contraception in good time. If you have any medical problems, make sure you discuss these with your doctor, along with any medications you are taking as these may affect your chances of a successful pregnancy.'

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