Sssh! There are some secret skincare wonders lurking in your changing bag and you have learned some time-saving tricks.
A-list makeup artists have nothing on you…
beauty hacks

1) Factor 50
You used to be a bit slapdash about your skin in the sun but since having a baby, your SPF coverage is perfected. Factor 50 all the way! Goodbye wrinkles.

2) Hand cream for life
Because you wash your hands 400 times a day, hand cream is your best friend and lovely soft palms are your reward.

3) Frizz free
No danger of heat styling damaging your hair as you don’t have a spare second to over-dry or straighten your barnet.

4) 60 second makeover
Your 2-minute make up routine is nailed down. Any longer and you risk a toddler meltdown.

5) Points mean prizes
Thanks to the four million Boots Advantage card points you have accumulated, after countless baby-related purchases, you can afford the occasional premium beauty splurge. Hello Touche Eclat!

6) Clear skin
A boozy late night is such a rare occurrence that hangover pallor doesn’t really happen these days.

7) Baby shampoo
All the glamour. It turns out that nit shampoo surprisingly softening. See also baby shampoo.

8) Blemish be-gone!
The huge selection of nappy rash creams in your bathroom cabinet means you can zap away any troublesome spot.

9) Wide awake club
You’re a pro at using concealer to cover dark circles and have perfected a quick slick of mascara and a tiny bit of eyeliner to make you look less sleep deprived.

10) Shampoo shortcut
Batiste is your best friend and you can dry shampoo your hair like a boss.

11) Natural skincare
The constant banana mush rubbed into your skin by a well-meaning toddler must be doing some good... Right?
Are there any other beauty hacks we've missed? Let us know on Facebook orTwitter!
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