Kate Winslet Talks Sleep And Baby Weight: ‘There’s A Terrible Pressure On Women’

by Adejumoke Ilori |
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The Oscar-winning actress shares her views on the baby weight debate and opens up about her baby son’s sleeping habits

Since giving birth to her third child, Bear, at the start of the year, Kate Winslet has understandably kept a low profile. But with the upcoming release of her new film Divergent, the actress has been spotted at various premieres – and sporting an enviable post-baby body.

But it’s not a subject the Titanic actress likes discussing, as it ‘adds to that debate,’ she told BBC Radio 2 this morning. 

‘It’s a really tricky subject because everyone’s different, first of all,’ said Kate. ‘And, secondly, there’s terrible pressure on women to lose this baby weight and I have to say, so far it’s just been Mother Nature being on my side this time and we shouldn’t talk about it too much.’

But while Kate was reluctant to discuss how she shed her baby weight so quickly, the actress was happy to talk about her ‘wonderful’ baby son with hubby Ned Rocknroll.

When asked whether she’d been experiencing sleepless nights, Kate said, ‘No, the baby’s wonderful actually. At night, he’s a pretty good sleeper. Not much of a daytime sleeper but at night, yeah.’

If only we were all so lucky…

As well as regaining her pre-baby figure, Kate joked that she’s also retrieved her brain cells.

‘It’s lovely actually having had the baby because now all of my brain cells are coming back to me and I can remember things like films I once made,’ she joked when asked if she remembers the infamous ‘sinking ship’ film.

But while previously admitting that she wouldn’t let her children watch Titanic (due to her infamous nudity scene, we presume), Kate says her daughter, Mia, 13, was part of the reason she was ‘inclined to say yes’ to Divergent.

‘My daughter had read the book, and a lot of friends had, so yes I thought I would score quite a lot of mum points with this one,’ she said. We wonder if she’ll do a children’s film to appeal to baby Bear, too.

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