Myleene Klass: why we need more than a baby loss certificate for grieving parents

Myleene Klass campaigning for grieving parents of miscarraige

by Samantha Ball |
Updated on

Television and radio presenter Myleene Klass has over the years shared her experience of baby loss, with her documentary Myleene: Miscarriage and Me airing in 2021.

Klass recently spoke out about the lack of support families for families who are going through a miscarriage and baby loss, and is calling for more official data collection and a graded model of care.

She said: "the saddest part of this is nobody ever wants to talk about it," adding, "[but] there is no nice way to talk about it it."

Klass opened up about the trauma that comes with baby loss in her documentary and also shared the impact of grief on herself, her fiancé and her children.

During her filming, she discovered that her auntie also experienced a miscarriage when she was younger that she never opened up about.

Over the years Myleene has worked towards removing the taboo of not talking about baby loss while also opening up about her personal experiences. Discussing her first miscarriage while she was on holiday in Dubai and the three she went on to lose after - one being live on air during her radio show.

Myleene has tirelessly campaigned for more to be done to recognise loss and embraces the new baby loss certificate that the government are offering bereaved parents, however she still believes more can be done for grieving parents.

She said: "previously, women like me had no proof of our babies' existence, beyond our own memories and the evidence that clung to our bodies. Now, at least there is some acknowledgement of the life that was carried, however brief."

Myleene explains that she only supports it in part, as the baby loss certificates are essentially 'unofficial, official records' that aren't stored in a town hall or at family GPs.

Samantha Ball is a Features & Reviews Editor for Mother&Baby, having written for the brand since 2018. She's a mum of two and loves browsing for the best and current trending products for little ones and for cute seasonal outfits.

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